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বিসিএস এবং ব্যাংক জব প্রস্তুতিঃ Abbreviations (শতভাগ কমন)

13 Jun 2021

Time/ Zone/ Area


1) GMT - Greenwich Mean Time.

2) GPS -Global Positioning System.

3) AM- Ante Meridiem (Before noon, morning).

4) PM – Post Meridiem (afternoon, evening).

5) B.C. - Before Christ.

6) EST - Eastern Standard Time.

7) U.S.A. - United States of America.


Education/ Degree

1) Ph.D.- Doctor of Philosophy

2) MBBS – Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery)

3) FCPS-Fellow of College of Physicians and Surgeons

4) B.A- Bachelor of Arts

5) BBA- Bachelor of Business Administration

6) MBA- Master of Business Administration

7) CSE- Computer Science & Engineering

8) MCS- Master of Computer Science

9) M.Sc.- Master of Science

10) LL.B. -Bachelor of Laws

11) BDS- Doctor of Dental Surgery or Doctor of Dental Science

12) ACCA-Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

13) IELTS- International English Language Testing System

14) ISBN - International Standard Book Number




1) E.g- Exempli gratia ( Latin which means ‘for example’).

2) N.B.- Note Bene (Note Well)

3) etc.- et cetera (And so on)

4) Govt. - Government.

5) i.e. (or i.e. / I.E.)- "id est" (Latin which means “That is (to say)" or "in other words").

6) IQ- Intelligence Quotient

7) Q&A - Question and Answer

8) DOB – Date Of Birth

9) FAQ- Frequently asked Questions


Technology/ Computer


1) PDA – Personal Digital Assistance.

2) ALU – Arithmetic Login Unit.

3) RAM – Random Access Memory

4) ROM –Read Only Memory.

5) DVD – Digital Video Disk.

6) CD –Compact Disk.

7) CD-RW – Compact Disk Rewritable.

8) ORM – Optical Mark Reader.

9) USB – Universal Serial Bus.

10) CAD – Computer Aided Design/Drafting.

11) IPS – Instant Power System.

12) UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply

13) AC- Alternating Current / Air Condition.

14) DC – Direct Current.

15) HP - Hewlett-Packard (A Company Name)/ Horse Power

16) LASER – Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

17) RADER – Radio Detection And Ranging. 

18) ATM - Automated Teller Machine

19) VoIP - Voice over Internet Protocol


Internet/ Web/Mobile


1) WWW- World Wide Web

2) HTTP- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

3) IP – Internet Protocol.

4) GPRS- General Packet Radio Service.

5) WAP - Wireless Application Protocol.

6) SIM- Subscriber Identity Module.

7) CDMA -Code Division Multiple Access.

8) GSM-The Global System for Mobile Communications.

9) EDGE -Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution.

10) ISD – International Subscriber Dialing.

11) FM- Frequency Modulation.

12) ID – Identification.

13) PIN - Personal Identification Number.

14) CMS – Content Management System.


Organization/ Institute/ Business/Company/ Security


1) DIG – Deputy Inspector General of Police.

2) GM- General Manager.

3) CEO - Chief Executive Officer.

4) HRD – Human Resources Department.

5) IBM – International Business Machine.

6) ISO - International Organization for Standardization.

7) ISD – International Subscriber Dialing.

8) BBC – British Broadcasting Corporation.

9) CNN -Cable News Network.

10) ESPN – Entertainment and Sports Programming Network

11) NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization

12) SWAT - Special Weapons And Tactics

13) SWOR - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats ( Analysis method).

14) SME - Small and Medium Enterprise.

15) WHO - World Health Organization.

16) NGO - Non-Governmental Organization.

17) BDS -Business Development Services.

18) BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation.

19) EU - European Union.

20) IRS - Internal Revenue Service

21) NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

22) NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

23) UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund.

24) FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation.

25) CIA – Central Intelligence Agency.

26) POP – Post Office Protocol.


Medical/ Health


1) CBC –Complete Blood Count.

2) ICU – Intensive Care Unit.

3) CCU – Cardiac Care Unit.

4) HIV -Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

5) AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.


Weight/ Volume



1) gal. - gallon

2) lb - pound

3) oz - ounce

4) pt - pint

5) qt - quart

6) wt. - weight

7) vol. – volume

8) kg - kilogram

9) km- kilometer

10) m - meter

11) mg - milligram

12) mm – millimeter

13) in. - inch

14) ft - foot

15) mi - mile

16) yd - yard


SMS/ Texting/ Chat [For Fun Only ]



1) B4N - Bye for now

2) ASAP - As soon as possible.

3) NP - No problem

4) TIC - Tongue in cheek

5) OMG- Oh My God.

6) KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid

7) LOL – Laughing Out Loud

8) BF – Boyfriend

9) GF – Girlfriend


List of Computing and IT Abbreviations


AAC - Advanced Audio Coding

AM/FM - Amplitude/ Frequency Modulation

AMOLED - Active matrix organic light-emitting diode

AMR - Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec

APN - Access Point Name

ARPANET - Advanced Research Project Agency Network

AVI - Audio Video Interleave

BMP - Bitmap

CAT - Common Admission Test

CD - Compact Disk

CDMA - Code Divison Multiple Access

COMPUTER - Common Oriented Machine Particularly United and used under Technical and Educational


CRT - Cathode Ray Tube

DAT - Digital Audio Tape

DLNA - Digital Living Network Alliance

DOC - Document (Microsoft Corporation)

DOS - Disk Operating System

DVD - Digital Versatile Disk

DVX - DivX Video

EDGE - Enhanced Data Rate for GSM [Global System for Mobile Communication]

ESN - Electronic Serial Number

GIF - Graphic Interchangeable Format

GMAT - Graduate Management Admission Test

GOOGLE - Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth

GPRS - General Packet Radio Service

GSM - Global System for Mobile Communication

GUI - Graphical User Interface

HDMI - High-Definition Multimedia Interface

HP - Hewlett Packard

HSDPA - High speed down link packet access

HSPA - High Speed Packet Access

HSUPA - High Speed Uplink Packet Access

HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language

HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

HTTPS - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure

IBM - International Business Machines

IELTS - International English Language Testing System

IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity

IP - Internet Protocol

ISP - Internet Service Provider

JAD - Java Application Descriptor

JAR - Java Archive

JPEG - Joint Photographic Expert Group

LCD - Liquid Crystal Display

LED - Light emitting diode

MICR - Magnetic ink character recognition

MMF - Synthetic Music Mobile Application File

MP3 - MPEG player lll

MP4 - MPEG-4 video file

M3G - Mobile 3D Graphics

M4A - MPEG-4 Audio File

NTH - Nokia Theme(series 40)

NRT - Nokia Ringtone

OLED - Organic light-emitting diode

PDF - Portable Document Format

PNG - Portable Network Graphics

PPI - Pixels Per Inch

QVGA - Quarter Video Graphics Array

RAM - Random access memory

ROM - Read only memory

RTS - Real Time Streaming

SIM - Subscriber Identity Module

SIS - Symbian OS Installer File

SWF - Shock Wave Flash

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol

THM - Themes (Sony Ericsson)

TOEFL - Test Of English as a foreign Language

UHF - Ultra High Frequency

UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunication System

UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply

URL - Uniform Resource Locator

USB - Universal Serial Bus

VGA - Video Graphics Array

VHF - Very High Frequency

VIRUS - Vital Information Resources Under Siege


VPN - Virtual Private Network

WAP - Wireless Application Protocol

WAV - Waveform Audio

WBMP - Wireless Bitmap Image

WINDOW - Wide Interactive Network Development for Office Work Solution

WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network

WMA - Windows Media Audio

WML - Wireless Markup Language

WMV - Windows Media Video

WVGA - Wide video graphics array

WXGA - Wide screen Extended Graphics Array

XMF - Extensible Music File

YAHOO - Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle

3G - 3rd Generation

3GP - 3rd Generation Project

3GPP - 3rd Generation Partnership Project



 Computer Keyboard  


Ctrl + z= undo

Ctrl + x = cut

Ctrl + c= copy

Ctrl + v= paste

Ctrl + b= bold

Ctrl + n= new window

Ctrl + a= select all

Ctrl + s =save

Ctrl + y =redo

Ctrl + u =undrill

Ctrl + p =print

Ctrl + esc =start menu

Ctrl + w=close window

Ctrl + r=refresh

Ctrl + t= new tab

Ctrl + n =open new document

Ctrl + tab=moved to new window



সব ডিগ্রীর পূর্নাঙ্গ মানে


*J.S.C- Junior School Certificate.

*J.D.C- Junior Dakhil Certificate.

*S.S.C- Secondary School Certificate.

*H.S.C- Higher Secondary Certificate.

*A.M— Ante meridian.

*P.M— Post meridian.

*B. A— Bachelor of Arts.

*B.B.S - Bachelor of Business Studies.

*B.S.S- Bachelor of Social Science.

*B.B.A- Bachelor of Business Administration

*M.B.A- Masters of Business Administration.

*B.C.S- Bangladesh Civil Service.

*M.A. — Master of Arts.

*B.Sc.— Bachelor of Science.

*M.Sc.— Master of Science.

*B.Sc. Ag.— Bachelor of Science in Agriculture .

*M.Sc.Ag.— Master of Science in Agriculture.

*M.B.B.S.— Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery.

*M.D.— Doctor of Medicine./ Managing director.

*M.S.— Master of Surgery.

*Ph.D./ D.Phil.— Doctor of Philosophy

*D.Litt./Lit.— Doctor of Literature/ Doctor of Letters.

*D.Sc.— Doctor of Science.

* B.C.O.M — Bachelor of Commerce.

* M.C.O.M — Master of Commerce.

*B.ed- Bachelor of education.

*Dr.— Doctor.

*Mr. — Mister.

*Mrs. — Mistress. 

*Miss — used before unmarried girls.

*M.P. — Member of Parliament.

*M.L.A. — Member of Legislative Assembly.

*M.L.C— Member of Legislative Council.

*P.M.— Prime Minister.

*V.P- Vice President./ Vice Principal.

*V.C- Vice Chancellor.

*D.C- District Commissioner/ Deputy Commissioner.

*S.P- Police Super.

*S.I- Sub Inspector




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