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ব্যাংক প্রস্তুতি স্পেশালঃ Bangladesh Krishi Bank ( অফিসার নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা-২০১৭) পূর্ণ সমাধান

06 Jun 2021

# The success of the firm __________ with his expectation he never thought that the firm would prosper.



# Even though the  jury  ______ the CEO his reputation was_________ by the fraud allegation.

vindicated,enhanced///indicated,blemished///betrayed,ruined///acquitted ,tarnished 

Ans:acquitted ,tarnished 

# Taj Mahal a world famous monument is situated ________  the bank _________ jamuna  river .


#  I have classes _________  9:30 m _______ Saturday and Thursday _________ the university .



# when water _______  it _________ into ice .

will freeze,turns///freezes,turns/// would freeze,turned///froze,turns


# if he___________  his first draft he would have received a better grade.

would have revised///had revised///revised///has revised 

ans:had revised

#The number of female students graduating _______  from 1995 to 2015 

increased by more than twice///more than doubled///increased  more than two times///had more than double 

Ans:had more than double 


#It should be ____________

her with whom you share your ideas,not me///her with whom you share your ideas,not I///she with whom you share your ideas not me///she with whom you share your ideas,not I 

ans:she with whom you share your ideas,not I 


#NBR requires ________    

that  e-TIN form should be submitted///that  e-TIN forms be submitted///for e-TIN  forms to be submitted///e-TIN form submission 

ans:that  e-TIN forms be submitted

#choose the most likely synonyms of the following words: unkempt 



#choose the most likely synonyms of the following words: animosity 


#choose the most likely synonyms of the following words:obedient 



#choose the most likely Antonyms from the following words: candid


ans: devious

#choose the most likely Antonyms from the following words:flamboyant decorated///ordinary///ostentatious///tense


#which of the following spelling is correct:



#choose the correct meaning of the phrase “a man of straw “

a man with no substance///a man of substance///a worthy fellow///an unreasonable person

ans:a man with no substance

# If n is an even integer, which of the followings must be an odd integer, 

7n - 2 /// 5(n -2) ///(16n+24)/8///(6n+12)/3

Ans: (16n+24)/8 

# Tamim runs diagonally across a rectangular field twice that has a length of 40 yards and a width of 30 yards. What is the length of the diagonal, in yards, that Tamim runs? 

50 yards ///70 yards /// 100 yards /// 600 yards

Ans: 50 yards  

# Solve the following inequality: -2x - 5 > x - 2 

x>1///x<-1///x < 1/// x > 3

Ans: x<-1

# In a class 78 students, 41 are taking French and 22 are taking German. Of the students taking French or German, 9 are taking both courses. How many students are not enrolled in either course? 

6///15///24/// 64

Ans: 24

# If 3-6 × 7 + 6 ÷4 = x, what is the value of x ? 

-3.75 /// 37.5///-37.5///-40.5


# What is the next number in the series 3,18, 90, 360, ....? 

720 ///480 /// 1800 ///1080

Ans: 1080

# If the hour hand of a clock is turned anticlockwise from 2 pm to 9 am, thoroughly how many degrees will it have turned? 

210 ///570///150///510

Ans: 150

#One-third of a number is four times of eleven. What is the half of that number? 

66 ///44 ///132///264

Ans: 66 


#Average of 6 numbers is 8.5. When one number is discarded, the avenge of the remaining numbers , becomes 7.2. What is the discarded number?

 7.8/// 6.5 ///16 ///15


#The business partners Rahim. Sohel and Karim agree to divide their Total profit for a certain year in the ratio 2:5:8. If Sohel’s profit was Taka 20,000 what was the total profit of the business for the year? 

Taka 800///Taka 32,000/// Taka 52,000///Taka 60,000

Ans:Taka 60,000

# What is the value of x in the figure below? 

36 ///5 ///20/// 10

Ans: B



# Mr. A and Mr. B have a combined weekly salary of Taka 1,000. If salary of A is increased by 2.5 times and salary of B is increased by 1.5 times, the combined salary would be Taka 1600. What was the original salary of B? 

Taka 100///Taka 250///Taka 900/// Taka 1350

Ans: Taka 900

# Jahir has 15 red balls; he gives Sami 3 balls. Sami now has twice the number of balls Jahir has left. How many balls did Sami have at the beginning? 

24 ///12///27///21

Ans: 21

# When a number is divided by 5, The remainder is 3. If the square of this number is divided by 5 then What is the remainder? 

5 ///4///7///1


# The value of -3 -(-10) is how much greater than the value of -10 - (-3)? 

0 /// -7 ///7///14

Ans: 14

# If a photocopier makes 2 copies in 1/3 second, at the same rate, how many copies does it make in 4 minutes? 

1200/// 24 ///144///1440

Ans: 1440

# A pen is sold for Taka 48 with a 20% profit. What is the purchase price of the pen? 

32 ///40///48///57.6

Ans: 40

# A bank pays simple interest rate of 8% on investment. If you invest Taka 5,000 in the bank, how much money would you get after 8 years? 

9,255/// 3,200 /// 5,320 ///8,200

Ans: 8200

# If 16^2x+4 =4^3x+3 then x = ? 

- 5/// 1/// 3/// - 1

Ans: - 5

# If the length and width of a rectangular garden plot were each increased by 20% what would be the percent increase in the area of the plot? 

20%///44///144%/// 40%

Ans: 44%

#Find the slope of the line 5x - 5y = 7 

5 ///5/7 ///1///7/5

Ans: 1

# If a man walks 14 kilometer/hour instead of 10 kilometer/hour, he would have walked 20 kilometers more. The actual distance travelled by him is: 

30 kilometer///50 kilometer/// 80 kilometer///70 kilometer

Ans: 50 kilometer


#In the coordinate plane, for which one of the following values of x would the graph of the equation y = x^3 -x^2-6x not touch thc x-axis? 

2///3 /// -2 ///0

Ans: 0

#How many 3-digit integers can be chosen such that none of the digits appear more than twice, none of the digits equal 0? 

 729///720/// 756/// 504


# নিম্নের কোনটি মুক্তিযুদ্ধভিত্তিক গ্রন্থ নয়?

আগুনের পরশমনি///জোছনা ও জননীর গল্প///অনিল বাগচীর একদিন///মাতাল হাওয়া

উ: মাতাল হাওয়া

# আবুল ফজলের আত্মজীবনীমূলক রচনা কোনটি?

স্মৃতির শহর///রেখাচিত্র///আমার আপন আধাঁর///কাল নিরবধি

উ: রেখাচিত্র

# ‘মৈমনসিংহ গীতিকা’ কে সম্পাদনা করেছেন?

ড.দীনেশচন্দ্র সেন///ড. মুহম্মদ শহীদুল্লাহ///ড. আহমদ শরীফ///আব্দুল করিম সাহিত্য বিশারদ

উ: ড. দীনেশচন্দ্র সেন

# বাংলা সাহিত্যের প্রাচীনতম নিদর্শন ‘চর্যাপদ’ কোন ছস্দে রচিত?


উ: মাত্রাবৃত্ত

# ‘পালামৌ’ কোন ধরনের রচনা?

আত্মজীবনী///কাব্যগ্রন্থ///ভ্রমণ কাহিনী///প্রহসন

উ: ভ্রমণ কাহিনী

# ‘রোহিণী’ কোন সাহিত্যকর্মের চরিত্র?

গোরা///কৃষ্ণকান্তের উইল///যোগাযোগ///দত্তা

উ: কৃষ্ণকান্তের উইল

# সাহিত্র পত্রিকা ‘কবিতা’ এর সম্পাদক ছিলেন?

সমর সেন///প্রতিভা বসু///সুধীন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত///বুদ্ধদেব বসু

উ: বুদ্ধদেব বসু

# ‘গায়ে-হলুদ’ কোন সমাস?


উ: বহুব্রীহী

# ‘অপসংস্কৃতি’ শব্দটিতে ‘অপ’ উপসর্গটি কোন অর্থে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে?


উ: নিকৃষ্ট

# ‘সংশয়’ শব্দের বিপরীত শব্দ কোনটি?


উ: প্রত্যয়

# ‘ঠোঁটকাটা’ বাগধারাটির অর্থ কি?


উ: বেহায়া

# একটি অপূর্ণ বাক্যের পর অন্য একটি অপূর্ণ বাক্যের অবতারণা করতে হলে কোন যতি চিহ্নটি ব্যবহৃত হয?

সেমিকোলন///হাইফেন///কোলন///ড্যাস চিহ্ন

উ: কোলন

# ‘হাঙ্গামা’ শব্দটি কোন ভাষার?


উ: ফারসি

# শব্দের রূপ পরিবর্তন ... আলোচ্য বিষয়?


উ: রূপতত্ত্বের

# ফাল্গুন>ফাগুন-এর উদাহরণ

ব্যঞ্জন বিকৃতি///ব্যঞ্জন চ্যুতি///অন্তর্হতি///অভিশ্রুতি

উ: অন্তর্হতি

# ‘প্রাতঃকাল’ এর সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ কোনটি?


উ: প্রাতঃ+কাল 

# Which of the following is the international calling code of Bangladesh?



# Which of the following is the deepest point in the world?

dead Sea///Bermuda Trench///Red Sea///Mariana Trench

Ans: Mariana Trench

# The World’s Diabetes day is observed on-

1st July////15th October///14th November///11th december

Ans: 14th November

# Mashraffe Bin Mortaza is currently the captain of Bangladesh National ..... cricket  team.

T20///ODI///Test///T20 and ODI

Ans: ODI

# The headquarter of Bangladesh Jute Research institute is situated in .....


# Which of the following is not a mobile financial service operating in Bangladesh?


Ans: Q-Cash

# Which authority regulates the money market in Bangladesh?

IDRA///Bangladesh Bank///MRA///BSEC

Ans: Bangladesh Bank

# Which of the following is not directly affiliated with the World Bank?


Ans: IMF


# Which of the following is not a central Bank?

State Bank of Pakistan///Bank Negara Malaysia///State Bank of India///Federal Reserve System

Ans: State Bank of India

# Which one of the following is not a bank note?

Taka 2///Taka 20///Taka 50///Taka 500

Ans: Taka 2

# Which of the following is the largest economic zone in Bangladesh?


Ans: Mirsarai

# Which of the following is a specialized commercial bank in Bangladesh?

Sonali Bank Ltd///The Farmers Bank Ltd///AB Bank Ltd///Bangladesh Krishi Bank

Ans: Bangladesh Krishi Bank

# What is the main objective of ’10-taka bank account’ initiative?

Financial integrity///Financial stability///Financial inclusion///Financial repression

Ans: Financial inclusion

# Which of the following Japanese king has recently decided to step down voluntarily from the monarchy?


Ans: Akihito

# Which of the following agreement will deal with Greenhouse gas mitigation, adaptation and finance to be implemented from 2020?

Uruguay Round///Paris Agreement///Koto Protocol///Cancun Agreement

Ans: Paris agreement

 # ............. is an example of sin Tax.

Value Added Tax///Customs Duty///Sales Tax///Excise Duty

Ans; Excise Duty

# Mohammad bin Salman is the Crown Prince of-


Ans: KSA

# The amount of the budget of Bangladesh FY 2017-18 is ......... crore.

Taka 400,066///Taka 400,266///Taka 466,622///Taka 436,326

Ans: 400,266

# The loop in a webpage, when clicked, open another document is called .......


Ans: Hyperlink

# ............ is a flaw in a program that produces incorrect or inappropriate results.


Ans: Bug

# The symbol in MS Excel is used for...... the cell.


Ans: Operating System

# Which of the following command is used to undo an activity in MS Word?


Ans: Ctrl+Z

# ................. refers to the philosophy of sharing computer-processing resources.

Cloud Computing///Operating Systemj///Block Chain///Key Chain

Ans: Operating System

# Which of the following is not an internet search engine?


Ans: Safari 

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