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ব্যাংক প্রস্তুতি স্পেশালঃ IFIC MTO 2017

30 May 2021

IFIC MTO 2017 

1. Choose the correct sentence # Ans: I asked Javed if he had passed 

2. Fill in the blank: The _____ you worry, the better. # Ans: less 

3. Correct spelling - # Ans: Committee 

4. Plural – # Ans: Crises  

5. Correct – # Ans: The lady died of cancer. 

6. Differentiate is a – # Ans: Verb 

7. The man was charged _____ murder. # Ans: with 

8. The police opened fire _____ the crowd to disperse. # ans: on 

9. Is not correct- # Ans: Go to home 

10. Antonym of “famous” is - # Ans: obscure 

11. Antonym of “Dormant” is - # Ans: Active 

12. She held the umbrella ____ her head? # Ans: over 


13. “Dog day” means # Ans: Hot weather 
14. Sow : Harvest # Ans: Plant : Yield 

15. Synonym of ‘Menace’ is # Ans: Jeopardy 

16. The pharse of ‘Pandora’s box’ is # Ans: Superficially good but actually not 

17. They have ______ their support for our case. # Ans: pledged 

18. Correct- # Ans: I wish I were in Europe 

19. Correct spelling- # Ans: Humorous 

20. Plural form of ‘mouse’is - # Ans: Mice 


21. How many prime numbers between 1 and 30? # Ans: 10 

22. The subtraction between the largest and the smallest number of 4 digits comprised of 0,1,2, and 3 is ____ # Ans: 2187 

23. If oil price increases 25%, then what will be percentage of reducing oil consumption without increasing fuel cost? # Ans: 20% 

24. The average of 6 numbers is 8.5, when one number is discarded; the average of the remaining numbers becomes 7.2, what is the discarded number? # Ans: 15 

25. You can now buy 5 more mangoes with tk 75 due to reduction in price by 20 percent. Calculate the current price of one dozen of Mangoes. # Ans: 36 

26. 4 mat weavers can weave 4 mats in 4 days. At the same rate, how many mats would be woven by 8 mat weavers in 8 days? # Ans: 16 

27. What should be the missing number? 81, 27, __, 3, 1. # Ans: 9 

28. If interest of tk 500 in 4 years and interest of 600 in 5 years collectively is TK 500 then what is the interest rate? # Ans: 10% 

29. If a:b = 4:7 and b:c = 5:6 then a:b:c = ? # Ans: 20:35:42 

30. A garrison of 500 man had provisions for 27 days. After 3 days a reinforcement of 300 men arrived. For how many more days will the remaining food last now? # Ans: 15 

31. The ratio of boys and girls in a class is 1:2 and the class has 24 students. How many boys would have to be admitted to the class in order to make the ratio of boys to girls 1:1? # Ans: 8 

32. The perimeter of a rectangular box is 42cm. The length is 13cm. Find its area. 

# Ans: 104cm² 

33. P, Q and R start a business. P invests 3.6 times as much as Q invests and Q invests one third of what R does. If the gross profit is TK 1545, determine the share of P. # Ans: 721 

34. If the price of an item is increased by 10% and then decreased by 10%, the net effect on the price of the item is - # Ans: A decrease of 1% 

35. If the price of an item increases from TK 25 to TK 28, the old price is what % of the new price? # Ans: 89.29% 

36. Two numbers are in the ratio 5:4 and their difference is 10. What is the largest number/? 

# Ans: 50 

37. The average of a and b is 40 and the sum of b & c is 70. What is the value of a – c? # Ans: 10 

38. Barket bought equal numbers of 20 paisa and 30 paisa stamps. If the total cost of the stamps was Tk. 10 what was the total number of stamps bought? # Ans: 40 

39. The sum of daily income of P, Q and R is Tk. 90. If Q earns TK. 10 more than P and R earns double of what Q earns, then what is the average of daily income of P and Q? # Ans: 20 

40. A train 125 m long passes a man, running at 5 km/hr in the same direction in which the train is going in 10 seconds. The speed of the train is? # Ans: 50 km/hr 





Q. (41-44): Ans the question based on the following information: 

From amongst six boys A, B, C, D, E and F and five girls P, Q, R, S and T, a team of six is to be selected under the following conditions:  

 A&D have to be together   > S&T have to be together  D cannot go with P   > C&Q have to be together  C cannot go with S   > B cannot be teamed with E  B&R have to be together 

41. If there be five boys in the team, the lone girl member is- # Ans: Q 

42. If including P, the team has three girls, the members are - # Ans: BCFQR 

43. If the team including consists four boys, the members of the team other than C are – 

# Ans: ABDQR 

44. If four members including E have to be boys, the members of other than E are 
# Ans: ADFST 

45. IF n and p are both odd numbers, which of following numbers must be an even number? 

# Ans: n+p 

46. A fire broke out in a garments factory. How many minutes would it take for a fire truck to got to the fire 10 miles away if it travels at a rate of 20 mph? # Ans: 60*(10/20) 

47. Jasim is shorter than Joli but taller than Anika, Dina is shorter than Jasim, Malek is shorter than joli but taller than Tasmin. Who is the tallest in terms of height? # Ans: Joli 

48. Mary’s mother have three daughters, May, June and - # Ans: None of them (Mary) 

49. There are deer and peacock in a zoo. The total number of their heads is 80 and the total number of their legs is 200. How many peacocks are there? # Ans: 60 

50. If A>B and C>O, which is the following is correct? # Ans: AC<BC 

51. C is a circle, L is a line, P is a point on line L. If C, L and P are the same plane and P is inside C, how many points do C and P have in common? # Ans: 0 

52. If five students run a mile in 5 minutes, how much time will 50 students take to run a mile? 

# Ans: 5 minutes 

53. A number consists of 3 digit whose sum is 10. The middle digit equal to the sum of the other two and the number will be increase by 99 if its digits are reversed. What is the number? 

# Ans: 253 

54. If b<2 and 2x-3b = 0, which of the following must be true? # Ans: X<3 

55. If a car’s speed doubles, what would be the increase or decrease its momentum? 

# Ans: Double increase 

56. “PayPal’? # Ans: A worldwide online payment system 

57. KYC - # Ans: Know Your Customer 

58. IFIC started Journey - # Ans: 1983 

59. FDI – # Ans:  Foreign Direct Investment 

60. Effect of inflation- # Ans: Purchasing power of money decreases 


61. Which one is not a central bank? # Ans: State Bank of India (Reserve Bank of India) 

62. Number of schedule bank in Bangladesh are - # Ans: 57 

63. ‘SWIFT’ term is used in # Ans: Banking 

64. Basel II protocol is a - # Ans: Risk management tool for Financial Institutions 

65. What is the term used to define inter bank short term borrowing? # Ans: Call Money 66. IFIC bank is a ___ generation bank. # Ans: 1st 

67. Introduced mobile banking first? # Ans: Dutch Bangla Bank 

68. Bank rate is the rate of interest – 

# Ans: at which commercial banks borrow money from the central bank 

69. Product of IFIC bank? # Ans: Amar Account 

70. In the cyberattack on Bangladesh Bank in 2016, the money was transferred to which Philippine Bank? # Ans: Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation 71. What is the position of Bangladesh in getting remittance in 2016? #

Ans: 8th 72. In the world, what is the status of Dhaka city using active facebook? # Ans: 2nd 73. 21st February has been observed as International Mother Language Day since – # Ans: 2000 

74. Bangladesh taka museum is located in - # Ans: Mirpur, Dhaka 

75. Which Bangladeshi Women has achieved the International Women of Courage Award in 2017 – 

# Ans: Sharmin Akter 

76. Which renowned global hotel brand corporation is going to start 5 star hotel in Dhaka City – 

# Ans: Dusit International 

77. Captain of T20 - # Ans: Shakib Al Hasan 

78. Sundarban become inscribed as a UNESCO world heritage site in which year? # Ans: 1997 

79. Besides Bangladesh, which country recognizes Bangla as one of its official languages? 

# Ans: Sierra Leone 

80. Who discovered the genomics of Jute? # Ans: Maksudul Alam 



81. IMF headquarter – Washington, D.C 

82.  Headquarter of International Criminal Tribunal Court - # Ans: The Hague 83. Donald Trump is - # Ans: 45th president 

84. Which is the smallest country in the World in terms of land area? # Ans: Vatican City 

85. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is the citizen of - # Ans: Australia 

86. Which of the following country is known as the ‘Land of White Elephent’? # Ans: Thailand 87. 2nd highest number of submarine - # Ans: North Korea 

88. Builder of Father of All Bombs’? # Ans: Russia 

89. Host of next world cup football - # Ans: Russia 

90. Central Bank of USA - # Ans: The Federal Reserve System 

91. The three primary colors that can create other colors are # Ans: Red, Yellow and Blue 

92. Inventor of Atomic Bomb - # Ans: Robert Oppenheimer 

93. The study of ancient societies - # Ans: Archaeology 

94. The weight of any object is the highest in the # Ans: None (might be North Pole) 

95. The largest unit of length used to express astronomical distance called - # Ans: Parsec 

96. The name of the ransomware that shut down tens of thousands computer system across 104 countries in 2017 is - # Ans: Wanny Cry 

97. Largest unit of storage in computer? # Ans: Tera Byte 

98. Common keyboard arrangement is called the - # Ans: QWERTY 

99. Antivirus Software - # Ans: AVG 

100. Example of file compression software? - # Ans: WinZip 



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