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ব্যাংক প্রস্তুতি স্পেশালঃ কম্পিউটার সম্পর্কিত প্রশ্ন

23 May 2021

# The name of the point where a row and a column crossed is- Cell;

# An active cell in work sheet mean- Ready for execute for command;

# Cell address A2 means- 2nd row of column A;

# in spreadsheet program range mean- Select some cell at a time;

# There are 2 kinds of cell in MS Excel program;

# Using logical formula based mathematical works be done in spreadsheet program;

# At the beginning of formula in spreadsheet program Equal Sign (=) is to be typed;

# The command of symbols currency (dollar, Taka) remain in MS Excel program- format cells of format menu;


# The cells in the worksheet when cells are run from top to bottom is called- column;

# The place of Formula typing in MS Excel is- Formula Bar;

# Word Processing : The program used for word processing is called- package program;

# Key board is joined with computer like type writer for Input data;

# Shift key helps to write English capital letters form key board;


# All the mathematical and logical calculations performed by the computer is done by its
উত্তরঃ D. CPU

# Records are composed of ____ such as name, address and phone number.
উত্তরঃ A. Fields

# A barcode reader emits?
উত্তরঃ C. Lights

# USB stands for?
উত্তরঃ C. Universal Serial Bus

# Wi-Fi means?
উত্তরঃ B. Wireless Fidelity

# Which of the following is not a web browser?
উত্তরঃ D. Portal

# কম্পিউটারের জনক কে?
উত্তরঃ গ। ব্যাবেজ

# মোবাইল কমিউনিকেশনে 4G এর ক্ষেত্রে 3G এর তুলনায় অতিরিক্ত বৈশিষ্ট কি?
উত্তরঃ গ। ব্রডব্যান্ড

# কম্পিউটারে ইন্টারনেট সনযোগ এর জন্য কি প্রয়োজন?
উত্তরঃ গ। মডেম

“# কম্পিউটার মেমরী” বলতে কি বুঝি?
উত্তরঃ খ। তথ্য সংগ্রহের স্থান



Bangladesh Krishi Bank Sr. Officer-2017

IT: 10

1.  Which one is an application of package?


2. Which type of ROM is used in a pen drive?


3. In an Email address aaa@bbb.ccc’ the portion ‘bbb’ indicates?

domain name ( There was no correct ans)
4. What can be considered as basic building blocks of a digital circuit?

Ans: Logic Gate

5. In data communication which device converts digital data to analog signal?

Ans: Modem

6. In most application “F1” stands for?

Ans: Help

7. Which one is both input and output device?

Ans: Touch Screen
8. Which must do to return compressed files file to their original state?

Ans: Extract

9. The term dot per inch (dpi) refers to:

Ans: Resolution

10. Elaboration of VIRUS is:

Ans:  Vital Information Resource Under Seize

Sonali Bank IT Officer 2016 (Computer and Information Technology)

# In MS Power Point, shortcut for creating a new slide is:


# Which of the following is an operating system?


# Which of the following is not an output device?


# Which of the following is not a Data transmission medium?

Search engine

# The process of identifying and correcting mistakes in a computer program is referred to as:


# Which one is not word processing software?

MS Excel

# Which computer memory is never erased?


# Which one works as an output and input device?


# 1 byte is equal to-

8 bits

# Which of the following is spreadsheet software?

MS Excel

# Which of the following is the save button in computer keyboard?  



# When you start your computer then which component works first?


# The computer stores its program and data in its:


# Which software is more useful in preparing a report with statistical and accounting analysis?


# One nibble equals to-

4 bits

# A hard disk is divided into tracks which are further subdivided into:


# The last of the IP address represents the address of:


# Common keyboard arrangement is called:


# Which is the name of the structure where data move through a network?




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# কোর্সের ফি দিতে পারবেন আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট থেকে অনলাইন পেমেন্টে র মাধ্যমে অথবা বিকাশের মাধ্যমে। ০১৬২৪৫৯৫৯৫৯ আমাদের বিকাশ নাম্বার।

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