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ব্যাংক প্রস্তুতি স্পেশালঃ 100 Appropriate Preposition Question

16 May 2021


1. He lives ——– honest means. 

Answer: by 

2. “I eat that as a euse ——— conversation. 

Answer: for 

3. “The istake has all ee ——– the teahe’s side 

Answer: from 

4. He was nearly dead ——— the time he got back home 

Answer: by 

5. He has ensured me —– safety. 

Answer: of 

6. The old sailor saw his companions fall —— dead. 

Answer: down 

7. A drowning man catches ——- a straw. 

Answer: at 

8. Do not cry —– spilt milk. 

Answer: for 

9. I shall do it —— pleasure. 

Answer: for 


1. Mati is absent —– the class. 

Answer: from 

1. He is afraid —— the dog. 

Answer: of 

2. I shall do it —— pleasure. 

Answer: with 

3. His bones and muscles are too large ——- his age. 

Answer: for 

4. Can you suggest an alternative —- this proposal. 

Answer: to 

5. She put a quilt ——- me. 

Answer: on 

6. I live — Mohakhali —-Dhaka. 

Answer: at, in 

7. There is no reason ——— absent. 

Answer: for being 

8. Be mindful —— your duties. 

Answer: of 

9. He was found ——— neglect ———- doing his duty. 

Answer: for, in 


1. He is suffering ——– fever. 

Answer: from 

1. You can always look ——- her address in the directory if you have forgotten it. 


Answer: up 

2. Fruits are imported ——— Bangladesh from Bhutan. 

Answer: into 

3. If the eathe does ot lea up e’ll hae to kok —- eal; a’t ok i the ai. 

Answer: off 

4. I can agree —– you ——- this point but I cannot agree —- his proposal. 

Answer: with, on, to 

5. Jeel’s fathe eueathed a potio of his house — his eldest daughter. 

Answer: to 

6. During national emergency, it becomes difficult for smugglers to get —- with their anti-social activities. 

Answer: on 

7. I can part my friend but I cannot part — my books. 

Answer: with 

8. People found reluctant to give —— the habit of using play bag. 

Answer: up 

9. —– the very dawn of history, the wealthy have dominated —— weak. 

Answer: Since, over 


1. Children are warned ——- danger. 

Answer: of 

1. Rahim does not count ——- my help. 

Answer: on 

2. Kamal repented ——- his wrong doing. 

Answer: of 


3. He died not —– cholera, but —- overwork. 

Answer: of, from 

4. The boy succumbed ——— his injuries. 

Answer: to 

5. Somebody robbed —– his purse. 

Answer: of 

6. If you run —— fashions, you will run —– debt. 

Answer: with, into 

7. I prefer milk —— tea. 

Answer: to 

8. He persists ——- disturbing me. 

Answer: in 

9. Do not jump —— a conclusion. 

Answer: to 


1. Rahim is dull —- hearing. 
Answer: off 

1. The criminal concealed many things —- the police officer. 

Answer: from 

2. He was very tactful ——– it. 

Answer: of 

3. Try to be mindful —— your studies. 

Answer: of 
4. He was appointed ——– the post of a professor. 



Answer: on 

5. The doctor operated ——- the patient. 

Answer: with 

6. Cricket is game —– patience. 

Answer: of 

7. The analysis given by him is —- my linking. 

Answer: to 

8. He sat —— the fire with me. 

Answer: by 

9. My brother has authority —– me. 

Answer: over 


1. A style reporting must confirm ——- the prevailing practice. 

Answer: to 

1. He has the reputation — being a good teacher. 

Answer: for 

2. The young man comes —- a noble family. 

Answer: of 

3. The car ran —–a dog. 

Answer: over 

4. This shops deals ——– readymade garments. 

Answer: with 

5. I congratulate you on your success ——- the exam. 

Answer: in 


6. The army was supplied ——– ammunition. 

Answer: with 

7. He did the work independent —– my help. 

Answer: of 

8. He prides himself —– remaining calm in an emergency. 

Answer: on 

9. He is always hostile ——– my plan. 

Answer: to 

1. They provided him ——– food. 

Answer: with 

1. He promised to abide —– the contract. 

Answer: by 

2. It proclaimed its value —- substance. 

Answer: by 

3. The epic focuses —– hroic deeds associated with war. 

Answer: on 

4. You boys must settle it ——– yourselves. 

Answer: among 

5. I count —- your help. 

Answer: upon 

6. She argued —- me about the marriage. 

Answer: with 

7. Her aunt brought her —– 


Answer: up 

8. My birthday is ——– March. 

Answer: in 

9. It is important to distinguish —- compound interest and simple interest. 

Answer: between 


1. He was happy to be ——- friends. 

Answer: at 

1. The police is looking —— the case. 

Answer: into 

2. We have abide —- the law of the land. 

Answer: by 

3. I shall appeal —- the higher court for justice. 

Answer: to 

4. He always boasts —- his wealth. 

Answer: of 

5. No sensible person can approve ——– lawlessness. 

Answer: of 

6. Tina always confides ——– me. 

Answer: in 

7. We walked —– the end of the road. 

Answer: at 

8. They arranged to meet —- seven. 

Answer: at 


9. Everyone has seen birds soaring in wide circles —- land. 

Answer: across 

1. I cannot make —- what you are aiming at. 

Answer: out 

1. The man must apologize —– what he has done. 

Answer: for 

2. Your argument does not stand —- reason. 

Answer: to 

3. I’ etitled ——- a share of the profit. 

Answer: to 

4. Emigration —– Bangladesh is on the rise. 

Answer: from 

5. He divided the money ——- the two children. 

Answer: between 

6. The lights have been blown —- by the strong wind. 

Answer: off 

7. I should appreciate it if you could complete the work —- Thursday. 

Answer: by 

8. He is devoid —- commonsense. 

Answer: of 

9. My brother has no interest —— music. 

Answer: in 



1. I finally killed the fly —— a rolled up newspaper. 


Answer: with 

1. The man died —— over eating. 

Answer: from 

2. The children were entrusted —- the care of their uncle. 

Answer: to 

3. What are you so angry ——-.? 

Answer: about 

4. He parted —- his friends in tears. 

Answer: from 

5. I count —- your help. 

Answer: upon 

6. He has paid the penalty —- his crimes —- five years in prison. 

Answer: for, with 

7. He fantasized ——- winning the lottery. 

Answer: about 

8. The intellectual can no longer be said to live — the margins of society. 

Answer: beyond 

9. What is time —- your watch? 

Answer: by 

1. He has been ill —— Friday last. 

Answer: since




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