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৩৮ তম বিসিএস প্রিলি স্পেশাল সাজেশনঃ বিভিন্ন নিয়োগ পরীক্ষায় আসা ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন -১

10 May 2021

জনতা ব্যাংক এক্সিকিউটিভ অফিসার ইঞ্জিনিয়ার ২০১৭


Questions (01-03): Select the pair that best expenses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair:

# Pertinent: Relevance-

Ans: redundant: superfluity

# Conscious: Careless-

Ans: careful: indifferent

# Vindictive: Mercy-

Ans: skeptical- truthfulness

Questions (04-06): Choose the correctly spelled word from the given options

4. Ridiculous

5. Precinct

6. Remittance

Questions (07-10): Fill in the blank with right option

7. He is devoid ........... commonsense.

Ans: of

8. The price of the commodities ............during the fuel crisis but the producers incurred ............. in profits.

Ans: increased/ a downfall

9. Climate is a ................ of the environment.

Ans: state

10. Lack of exercise and high fat diets have ...... to be factors in heart attacks.

Ans: been long know




NSI AD ২০১৭


“ To do away with” means-
Ans: get rid of

2. He talked as if he _______ everything.

Ans: had known

3. Which one is correct?

You, he and I are

4.what type of noun is “kindness”?

Ans: abstract

5. which one is the correct spelling?

Ans: Cigarette

6.Greenhouse effects the cause of _____

Ans:Gradual rise of temperature


7. while he __________ along the road a snake bit him?

Ans: was walking

8. Nobel price is  considered the highest  honour ________can be achieved

in various field.


9.Emperor Akbar— was a son of Humayun .
Ans:a great leader

10.I cut myself, here “myself” is an-


Ans: Reflexive pronoun

11.Which one isп an example of comparative degree?

Ans: Less

12.It is you who ________ to blame

13.Which one is masculine gender?

Ans: Ox

14. Which one is the synonym of “competent”?


15.I wish if I ______ a cricketer.


16.shakespeare is known mostly for his _____

Ans:  Drama





বাপেক্স এসিসট্যান্ট অফিসার ২০১৭


# I will give you a map of the new town in case you .............  lost.

Ans: get

# Why....... angry with me yesterday?

Ans: were you

# This contrat will be confirmed ...................... December?

Ans: on

# ...................... is a good exercise.

Ans: Walking

# I shall look .... the matter.

Ans: into

# Our teacher makes us ................... very hard.

Ans: work

# We insist on ................... leaving the room.

Ans: your

# My situation was like out of the frying pan .... the fire.

Ans: into

# I would have lent you my notes if you .............. me.

Ans: had asked

# No sooner had we started out for Dhaka .................. it started to rain.

Ans: then

# Many scientists are still hoping ............... life on another planet.

Ans: to find

# If you don’t know what the word means, look it ............ ................ a dictionary.

Ans: up, in

# She is so afraid of the dark that she can’t sleep ................ there is a light on outside her room.

Ans: unless


39 to 45: Select the meaning of the English Word.

39. Humility

Ans: নম্রতা

40. Melancholy

Ans: বিষণ্ন

41. Immaculate

Ans: পবিত্র

42. Vengeance

Ans: প্রতিহিংসা

43. Placid

Ans: শান্ত

44. Diligent

Ans: পরিশ্রমী

45. Gallant

Ans: সাহসী



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