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ব্যাংক প্রস্তুতি স্পেশালঃ Banking General Knowledge

24 Apr 2021

A commercial bank usually finances --- Capital investment.

A Father of modern management theory --- Henry Fayol.

A 'tax return' is a statement of --- income and personal circumstances enabling claims to be made for personal allow.

Account which does not pay- interest to the depositors- Current account.

Actuary is related to --- Insurance.

All the Banking ATMs accept --- Both debit and credit card.

APEC stands for --- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation.

Association of the unionized workers is called --- Trade Union.

Bangladesh maintains no trade relationship with --- Israel.

Banking system in our -continent   was    started --- During Mughal period

BO Account stands for  --- Beneficiary Owner's.

Board  of   investment established in ---  1989.

Circuit Breaker  in Stock Exchange works as --- obstacle to excessive change in share price.

Countries experiencing global depression adopted  ---  Expansionary Policy.

Disposable personal income basically measures  --- The difference between personal income and personal taxes

DSE and CSE operate the direct control of --- BSEC

Due to inflation, purchasing power of money --- decrease.

Elaborate meaning of "TIPA' --- Trade and  Investment Framework Agreement.

Euro currency was issued --- 1st January 1999.

Euro was introduced in --- 1999.

Father of modem management theory ---  Henry Fayol

Financial statements of a public limited company are useful to ---  Investors.

First Governor of Bangladesh Bank ---  ANM Hamidullah.

First female executive director of Bangladesh Bank ---  Nazneen Sultana.

First female managing director of Commercial Bank --- Arusa Hamid.

First mint act passed in sub-continent in  ---  1835.

Former name of Sonali Bank limited --- National Bank of Pakistan.

Full name of Basic Bank Limited --- Bangladesh Small Industries and Commerce Bank Limited.

IBRD is the official name of --- World Bank.

In Bangladesh year ends on  ---  June 30.

In Banking, SLR stands for --- Statutory Liquidity Ratio.

Investment corporation of Bangladesh (ICB) was established in --- 1976.

Kerb Market means --- Illegal share market outside the stock market

Name of the country mission of World Bank in Dhaka --- World Bank Bangladesh Fields Office.

Name of the first proposer of budget  in Bangladesh  --- Tajuddin Ahamed.

Owner's share of profit of a public limited company is called --- Dividend.

Stock dividend is distributed among --- Common share holder.

The   first   private   sector schedule bank in Bangladesh is --- Pubali Bank Limited.

The  founder  of  classical economics is --- Adam Smith.

The architect of Bangladesh Bank  ---  Shafikul Kader.

The buying and selling of goods over the internet is known as ---  E-commerce.

The CEO of a public limited company --- Managing Director

The duration of a valid cheque is --- 6 months

The free market involves --- Market forces of supply and demand.

The head of Bangladesh Bank is called --- Governor.

The main objective of currency devaluation is ---  to increase export.

The main reason for people to buy life insurance policy ---  to help their beneficiaries.

The most important function of money is ---  Exchange.

The name of first central bank of the world --- Bank of England.

The oldest private foreign Bank of our country --- Standard Chartered Bank.

The present name of GATT --- WTO

The structure of our economy --- Mixed economy.

The term 'call money' is --- Inter -bank short-term lending and borrowing.

The term 'Secondary market' is usually used in --- Stock market.

Uruguay Round was related to --- World Trade Organization (WTO)

VAT was  started  in Bangladesh --- 01 July 1991.

We open current accounts with a commercial bank for a purpose of --- Safe custody of funds.

When a company offers its share to public for the first time, it is known as --- Initial Public Offering (IPO).

When you deposit money in a bank you are --- Lending it money.



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