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Abbreviations বা শব্দ সংকোচন

22 Aug 2018

বিসিএস প্রিলিমিনারী পরীক্ষায় নিয়মিত Abbreviations বা শব্দ সংকোচন প্রশ্ন আসে।

  • ADB= Asian Development Bank
  • ADP= Annual Development Programme
  • APEC= Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
  • ASEAN= Association of South East Asian Nation
  • AIDS= Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • BARD= Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development
  • BAPEX= Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Limited
  • BARI= Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institution
  • BASIC= Bank of Small Industries and Commerce
  • BASIS= Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services
  • BATEXPO= Bangladesh Textile Exposition
  • BCS= Bangladesh Civil Service
  • BEPZA= Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority
  • BINA= Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture.
  • BKMEA= Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association
  • BIMSTEC= Bay of Bengal Initiatives on Multi- Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation
  • BJMA= Bangladesh Jute Mills Association
  • BOA= Bangladesh Olympic Association
  • BOI= Board of Investment
  • BRTC= Bangladesh Road Transport corporation
  • BSTI= Bangladesh Standard and testing Institution
  • BTC= Bangladesh Tariff Commission
  • BBC= British Broadcasting Corporation
  • BIS= Bank of International Settlement
  • BO= Beneficiary Owner
  • BRRI= Bangladesh Rice Research Institution
  • BSA= Bangladesh Standard on Auditing
  • BTCL= Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Limited
  • BTRC= Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
  • BTTB= Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board
  • CAA= Civil Aviation Authority
  • CAB= Consumers’ Association of Bangladesh
  • CARE= Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere
  • CID= Criminal Investigation Department
  • CNG= Compressed Natural Gas
  • CDBL= Central Depository Bangladesh Limited
  • CIA= Central Intelligence Agency
  • CBA= Collective Bargaining Agent
  • CIB= Credit Information Bureau
  • CIRDAP= Center on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific
  • CNN= Cable News Network
  • CRD= Central Recovery Department
  • CRR (Cash Reserve Ratio)
  • (It is the amount that commercial bank have keep at Central Bank as deposit. Currently for Non Islamic commercial banks 4% and Islamic commercial bank 6%)
  • DNA= De-ox ribonucleic Acid
  • DA= Daily Allowance/ Dearness allowance
  • DAE= Department of Agricultural Extension
  • DB= Detective Branch
  • DCCI= Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • DFI= Direct Foreign Investment
  • ECG= Electro Cardio Gram
  • ECNEC= Executive Committee of National Economic Council
  • EPZ= Export Processing Zone
  • ESCAP= Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
  • EVA= Economic Value Added
  • FAO= Food and Agricultural Organization
  • FDI= Foreign Direct Investment
  • FBCCI= Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • FY= Fiscal Year
  • FOB= Free on Board
  • FBI= Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • FIFA= Federation of International Football Association
  • GATT= General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (At Present WTO)
  • GNP (Gross national product) : It denotes the value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year, plus income earned by its citizens abroad, minus income earned by foreigners from domestic production. GMT= Greenwich Mean Time
  • GDP It denotes the total of goods and services produced by a nation over a given period  usually one year excluding income earned by citizen abroad and including income of foreigner within the country us,usually 1
  • GPRS= General Packet Radio Service
  • GSM= Global System for Mobile Communication
  • HIV= Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • IAEA= International Atomic Energy Agency
  • IFC= International Finance Corporation
  • IRRI= International Rice Research Institute.
  • IAS= International Accounting Standard
  • IBRD= International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • ICJ= International Court of Justice
  • ICB= Investment Corporation of Bangladesh
  • ICSID= International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
  • IDB= Islamic Development Bank
  • IDA= International Development Association (Also called ‘soft-loan-window’)
  • IFC= International Finance Corporation
  • IOC= international Olympic Committee
  • ILO= International Labor Organization
  • IMF = International Monetary Fund
  • Interpol= International Criminal Police Organization
  • ISD= International Subscriber Dialing
  • ISP= Internet Service Provider
  • LGED= Local Government Engineering Department
  • LPG= Liquidities Petroleum Gas
  • MICR= Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
  • MIGA= Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
  • MMS= Multimedia Message Service
  • NAFTA= North American Free Trade Agreement
  • NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • NBFI= Non Banking Financial Institution
  • NBR= National Board of Revenue
  • NRB= Non-Resident Bangladeshi
  • NCC= National Cadet Corps
  • NAM= Non-Aligned Movement
  • NATO= North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • NGO= Non Government Organization
  • NWD= Nation Wide Dialing
  • OIC= Organization of Islamic Cooperation
  • OPEC= Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries
  • PABX= Private Automatic Branch Exchange
  • PIN= Personal Identification Number
  • PSTN= Public Switched Telephone Network
  • PSC= Public Service Commission
  • PUC= Personal Unblocking Code
  • PUK=Personal Unblocking Key
  • RJSC= Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms

কম্পিউটার এবং ইন্টারনেট বিষয়ক  English Abbreviations: 

  • IBM=International Business Machine -পৃথিবীর সর্ববৃহৎ কম্পিউটার প্রস্তুতকারক কোম্পানি।
  • IC=Integrated Circuit.
  • ISP=Internet Service Provider.
  • IRM=Information Resource Management.তথ্য সম্পদ ব্যাবস্থাপনা।
  • FOC=Fiber Optic Cable
  • HDD=Hard Disk Drive
  • HGA=Hercules Graphics Adaptor.সাদা কালো মনিটর।
  • HTTP=Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.ইন্টারনেটের একটি ভাষা।
  • Hz=Hertz . প্রতি সেকেন্ডে একক আবর্তন।
  • ISP=Internet Service Provider
  • LAN=Local Area Network – ছোট আকারের নেটওয়ার্ক পদ্ধতি যা একটি মাত্র বিল্ডিং বা প্রতিষ্ঠানের সীমাবদ্ধ থাকে।
  • LASER=Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. অত্যন্ত শক্তিশালী monochromes, coherent,polarized আলোকরশ্মি তৈরি করার পদ্ধতি।
  • LCD=Liquid Crystal Display.
  • LED=Light Emitting Diode.
  • WAP=Wireless Application Protocol
  • URL=Uniform Resource Locator
  • HTTP=Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

বাংলাদেশ পুলিশের বিশেষ ইউনিট সমূহ

  • DB=Detective Branch
  • CID=Criminal Investigation Department
  • SB=Special Branch
  • COBRA= Commando Battalion for Resolute Action.
  • SWAT= Special Weapons And Tactics. An elite tactical unit of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police. They operate under the Detective Branch of DMP. The SWAT will go for action whenever existing law enforcing agencies even the elite force RAB would fail to deal with the criminal.
  • RAB=Rapid Action Battalion. The elite force of BD POLICE.
  • APBN=Armed police Battalion.Total-12 Battalion.Among them no-11 is women Battalion.
  • SPBN=Special Security and Protection Battalion.Currently, members of this battalion are engaged to provide security of Very Very Important Persons (VVIPs) at different venues.
  • PBI=Police Bureau of Investigation.It is a newly created investigating agency of Bangladesh Police. It will work only on criminal intelligence and criminal investigation.

বাংলাদেশ পুলিশের পদমর্যাদা সমুহ 

  • IGP=Inspector General of Police.
  • DIG=Deputy Inspector General.
  • SP=Superintendent of Police.
  • SI=Sub-Inspector.

 শেয়ার বাজার সংক্রান্ত  ABBREVIATION 

  • SEC=Securities and Exchange Commission
  • DSE=Dhaka Stock Exchange
  • IPO=Initial Public Offering
  • ITS=Internet Trading Service
  • OTC = Over-the-Counter
  • CSE=Chittagong Stock Exchange
  • CDBL=Central Depository Bangladesh Limited
  • AGM=Annual General Meeting
  • BO=Beneficiary Owner
  • CSE=Chittagong Stock Exchange
  • CDBL=Central Depository Bangladesh Limited
  • AGM=Annual General Meeting
  • BO=Beneficiary Owner

 জাতিসংঘের প্রতিষ্ঠান সমুহ

  • FAO =Food and Agricultural Organization
  • IFAD =International Fund for Agricultural Development
  • ILO = International Labor Organization
  • IMF =International Monetary Fund
  • ITU = International Telecommunication Union
  • UNHCR =United Nations High Commission for Refugees
  • UNIC =United Nations Information Centre
  • UNDP =United Nations Development Program
  • UNFPA = United Nations Population Fund
  • UNESCAP =United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
  • WHO =World Health Organization
  • WFP =World Food Programme
  • UNIDO =United Nations Industrial Development Organization
  • UNICEF =United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund
  • UNWTO = United Nations World Tourism Organization

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