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সম্প্রতি বিভিন্ন নিয়োগ পরীক্ষায় আসা ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর

28 Feb 2021

বাংলাদেশ কৃষি ব্যাংক অফিসার ২০১৭

# The success of the firm __________ with his expectation he never thought that the firm would prosper.



# Even though the  jury  ______ the CEO his reputation was_________ by the fraud allegation.

vindicated,enhanced///indicated,blemished///betrayed,ruined///acquitted ,tarnished 

Ans:acquitted ,tarnished 

# Taj Mahal a world famous monument is situated ________  the bank _________ jamuna  river .


#  I have classes _________  9:30 m _______ Saturday and Thursday _________ the university .



# when water _______  it _________ into ice .

will freeze,turns///freezes,turns/// would freeze,turned///froze,turns


# if he___________  his first draft he would have received a better grade.

would have revised///had revised///revised///has revised 

ans:had revised

#The number of female students graduating _______  from 1995 to 2015 

increased by more than twice///more than doubled///increased  more than two times///had more than double 

Ans:had more than double 

#It should be ____________

her with whom you share your ideas,not me///her with whom you share your ideas,not I///she with whom you share your ideas not me///she with whom you share your ideas,not I 

ans:she with whom you share your ideas,not I 


#NBR requires ________    

that  e-TIN form should be submitted///that  e-TIN forms be submitted///for e-TIN  forms to be submitted///e-TIN form submission 

ans:that  e-TIN forms be submitted

#choose the most likely synonyms of the following words: unkempt 



#choose the most likely synonyms of the following words: animosity 


#choose the most likely synonyms of the following words:obedient 



#choose the most likely Antonyms from the following words: candid


ans: devious

#choose the most likely Antonyms from the following words:flamboyant decorated///ordinary///ostentatious///tense


#which of the following spelling is correct:



#choose the correct meaning of the phrase “a man of straw “

a man with no substance///a man of substance///a worthy fellow///an unreasonable person

ans:a man with no substance

Agrani Bank Senior Officer 2017: Question and Solution 

Fill in the blanks:

The doctor was worried ___the patient


Soldiers were deployed ___ the boarder of the country.


I am accustomed ___ such a life.


____________ she reached the exam hall than the door closed.

No sooner had

The proverb ‘A burnt child dreads fire means.

A bad experience may scare one’s attitude.

What is the synonym of Diligent?



Which is the singular number?


Which one of the following pairs is similar in relationship to Curiosity: know?

Wanderlust : Travel

The author of the novel “The Trial” is:

Franz Kafka

Find the odd word in the following list.


Find out this text in your text book. The underlined words are respectively:

The passive form of the sentence. ‘Who has written Hamlet?’ Is:

Who has Hamlet been written by?

The indirect form of the sentence “He said, ‘Let us go for a walk’.”

The idiom ‘e all and end all’ means:


The word ‘Hypocritical’ is the antonym of:


Which one is correct spelling?


Choose the correct sentence:

Between you and me, I doubt that he would come.

Choose the correct sentence:

One of the boys is meeting me today

Choose the correct sentence:

He acted in a cowardly manner.

Choose the correct sentence:

The intruder stood quietly for a few moments.

Pubali Bank অ্যাসিসট্যান্ট অফিসার টেলার ২০১৭

1. I suffer from no ________about my capabilities.


2. the students are not prepared ________the exam
to take

3. Man is essentially a ________ animal and tends to associate with others

4. we didn't __________  the program to be such a huge success.


5.we should ________opportunities as they arise .

 Select the one that is most closely opposite in meaning to the capitalised word


7. Imprecision




11.For each of the capital word for words are listed below choose the word nearest in meaning to it.

12. Diplomatically

13. fulsome

14. Apex

16. Choose the correct spelt word

17. Choose the correct spelt word

18. Choose the correct spelt word
19. Choose the correct spelt word

20. Choose the correct spelt word

21. Select  from the answer options. the pair of words having a similar relationships to the first pair.



25. Select  from the answer options. the pair of words having a similar relationships to the first pair.

Pubali Bank Senior Officer,Officer 2017


1. Sedate

2. intrinsic

3. Humorous

4. Nectar

5. Jovial

One word substitution:

6.A large dark grey that brings rain/snow----Nimbus

7.A hater of learning & knowledge-----misologist

8. Destruction of unborn baby in mother's womb----- foeticide

9. Perceptible to be air----audible

10. A person who is out to destroy a government----anarchist


11. Exacting-Smooth

12. Fallow-Cultivated

13. Desiccated-Fresh

14. Tortuous- Straight

15. Inconsequential- important

More or less same meaning (Synonym):

16. superannuated>>> Obsolete

17. scurrilous>>> Unjustified

18. pacific>>> Tranquil

19. ponderous>>> Dull & labored

20. solace>>> Consolation

Fill in the blanks: ALL of these given from Pearson’s guide to English

21. With the realization , the people suddenly found themselves left with _________ moral values and little ethical_______ (established; grasp)

22. The fact that a business has______ does not create an_______ on it to give away its prosperity. (proposed;imperative)

23. The teacher _______ his students ________ being late to school. (reprimanded;for)

24. The dimension of the ________ are known and the solution is ________ on (problem;agreed)

25. To _______ his arguments , he ________ several references .(substantiate;cited)

সহকারী প্রোগ্রামার (নন-ক্যাডার) পদে (একাধিক পদে) নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা ২০১৭

২৬। 'Farewell to Arms' is novel by-

উ. Earnest Hemingway

২৭। No one can ---- that he is clever.

উ. deny

২৮। Antonym the word 'Discreet'-

উ. Indiscreet

২৯। He was absent ----- the meeting.

উ. from

৩০। There is no free access ----- the Secretary's room.

উ. to

৩১। How far is the train station?

উ. Interrogative sentence

৩২। Synonym of the word 'poor' is-

উ. Destitute

৩৩। Author of 'Macbeth'-

উ. William Shakespeare

৩৪। He was helping me. passive form is-

উ. I was being helped by him.

৩৫। Give me ------ milk.

উ. a little

৩৬। Which one is an incorrect?

উ. I watched him eat

৩৭। Which is wrongly spelt?

উ. mankies

৩৮। The Meghna falls into ----- Bay of Bengal.

উ. the

৩৯। I shall ------ the sum before the teacher comes.

উ. have done

৪০। 'White Elephant' means

উ. very costly or troublesome

৪১। To be or not to be.... taken from?

উ. Hamlet

৪২। Which one is correct?

উ. They had arrived before we left.

৪৩। Today is ------ than yesterday.

উ. sunnier

৪৪। He has been studying ----- morning.

উ. since

৪৫। An adjective modifies -

উ. a noun

৪৬। He is "wiser" is-

উ. Comparative

৪৭। I found him guilty. Here 'guilty' is-

উ. Complement

৪৮। Plural of Sheep -

উ. Sheep

৪৯। 'Excuse me' is usually used to-

উ. draw attention

৫০। Having ------ me he has married again.

উ. forgotten

জনতা ব্যাংক এক্সিকিউটিভ অফিসার ২০১৭ (সকাল)

Fill in the black

1. if the banks desire to ______ profit, they should get rid of ______ measures.

Loss, concentrate///@@Increase, populist///earn, healthy///maximize, modern

2. There are ___ instances to prove that the leader ___ courteously with everyone.

No, major///treats, works///various, demand///@@Several, behaves

3. Being an incorrigible ______ he will never tell the ________.

Lier, truth///idiot, story///criminal, message///@@Offender, details

4. Your _____ will ______ all the benefits you derived from your hard work.

Patience, delete///possessiveness, enhance///@@Carelessness, nullify///apathy, increase

5. To succeed in any _______ task, _______ is needed.

Challenging, impatience///critical, approach///appropriate, strategy///@@Difficult, perseverance.



Choose the one which best replaces the highlighted phrase:

1. He failed in his attempt to disperse the mob before the miscreants sets the fire on the bus.

@@set the bus on fire///setting fire on the bus///set fire on the bus///set the fire on to the bus

2. How can one mobilize support from colleagues without being cordially to them?

Being cordially for///been cordially to///@@being cordial to///cordially being to

3. For every citizen it is mandatory to help the civic administration for keep up the city clean.

For upkeep clean the city///for clean and keep the city///for keeping of the city cleanliness///@@to keep the city clean

4. How religious intolerance can blight social peace and harmony can be gauged from events take place around the globe.

Taken place over///@@taking place around///took place around///taken place in

5. The two brothers were so much similar in appearance that nobody believed that they were twins.

Very much similar in///so much similar at///@@so different in/// so different from


Select from the alternatives, the word that conveys the same meaning as the word given in capital letters:

1. MOROSE—irritable///uncivilized///@@depressed///pessimistic

2. SUNDRY—complex///express///unmatched///@@Various

3. AGILITY—prosperity///style///@@quickness///allure

4. OSTENTATION—protruding///wealthy///decorative///@@Showy

5. LATENT--- hard///@@Concealed///visible///display


Find the two words that are similar or opposite in meaning and indicate the letter of the correct number combination provided in the options:

A.    1. Transit 2. Unilocular 3. Permanent 4. Vulnerable


B.    1. Ambience 2. Convenient 3. Atmosphere 4. Degradation


C.    1. Vivacious 2. Weird 3. Rabid 4. Fanatical


D.    1. Prophetic 2. Strange 3. Poor 4. Sterling


E.    1. Benevolent 2. Alarming 3. Charitable 4. Stupendous



​Choose the correctly spelt word:

1. acquaintence///acquantance///@@acquaintance///acquentence

2. accommodate///accommodate///@@accommodate///acomodate

3. @@occurred///occurred///occurred///ocurrd

4. erroniously///erroneusly///@@erroneously///erroniosly

5. demmurage///@@demurrage///demarrage///demurage



জনতা ব্যাংক এক্সিকিউটিভ অফিসার ২০১৭ বিকাল



Choose the one that best expresses the meaning of the given idiom/phrase in italics:

51. it has been proved upto the hilt that Rahman’s intentions are bad.

B. completely

52. after the retirement, Mr. Karim is thinking of resting on his oars.

A. rest after hard work

53. she took into her head to leave her job in no time and go to her parents.

C. a sudden idea

54. An honest person never plays fast and loose with his friends.

D. to be inconsistent

55. After the death of his father, Rahim is playing ducks and drakes with his inherited property and is sure to ruin himself.

A. to spend lavishly

Direction: Choose the one that can be substituted for the given words/sentences in the following questions.

56. Talking disrespectfully of sacred things is called-

B. blasphemy

57. The murder of the king is called a-

C. regicide

58. A person who studies the formation of the earth –

D. geologist

59. One who sacrifices his life for a cause –

C. martyr

60. A person interested in reading books and nothing else –

B. bookworm

Direction: Choose the correctly spelt word






Direction: Select the word or phrase that is most closely opposite in meaning to the capitalized word.

66. APPLAUD – C. criticize

67. ABERRATION – B. typical behavior

68. EXECRABLE – C. laudable

69. TRIUMPH – C. failure

70. FRUGALITY – A. generosity

Direction: select from the options, the pair having a similar relationship to the first pair.

71. Permanent : Evanescent ::

B. Durable : Fleeting

72. Manumit : Enslave ::

D. Repel :Attract

73. Promise : Fulfill ::

B. law : Enforce

74. Isolationist : Aloof ::

A. Mist : Mournful

75. Ernest : Immoral ::

A. Restrained : Wanton


# Amicable শব্দের সমার্থক শব্দ কোনটি?


# Identify the correct synmnym for the word ‘Maganimous’-


# The word ecological is related to ............


# I am looking forward

-to seeing

# He advised me.....smoking

-to give up

# The parents became extremely ... when their son had not returned by ten.


# Camouflage means-


# Choose the uncountable noun from below:


# He is ----- M.A. in English.

Ans: an

# ‘Pass away means’-

Ans: die

# Chosse the counable noun from below—

Ans: Mesage

# Which one is correct?

-The old man died yesterday.

# What is the verb of ability?


# Which one is in singular number?


# Which one is correct?

-It is quarter past ten

# The word hopeful is a/an-


# ‘I shall be eating’ is an example of .............. tense?

-Future continuous

# He died ...................... accident.


# Which one is correct?

-You, he and I are present

# Which one is the superlative degree of little?


# He went there at 7 O’clock ........... the evening.


NSI AD 2017


“ To do away with” means-
Ans: get rid of

2. He talked as if he _______ everything.

Ans: had known

3. Which one is correct?

You, he and I are

4.what type of noun is “kindness”?

Ans: abstract

5. which one is the correct spelling?

Ans: Cigarette

6.Greenhouse effects the cause of _____

Ans:Gradual rise of temperature

7. while he __________ along the road a snake bit him?

Ans: was walking

8. Nobel price is  considered the highest  honour ________can be achieved

in various field.


9.Emperor Akbar— was a son of Humayun .
Ans:a great leader

10.I cut myself, here “myself” is an-

Ans: Reflexive pronoun

11.Which one isп an example of comparative degree?

Ans: Less

12.It is you who ________ to blame

13.Which one is masculine gender?

Ans: Ox

14. Which one is the synonym of “competent”?


15.I wish if I ______ a cricketer.


16.shakespeare is known mostly for his _____

Ans:  Drama

 বাংলাদেশ কৃষি ব্যাংক অফিসার ২০১৭

# The success of the firm __________ with his expectation he never thought that the firm would prosper.



# Even though the  jury  ______ the CEO his reputation was_________ by the fraud allegation.

vindicated,enhanced///indicated,blemished///betrayed,ruined///acquitted ,tarnished 

Ans:acquitted ,tarnished 

# Taj Mahal a world famous monument is situated ________  the bank _________ jamuna  river .


#  I have classes _________  9:30 m _______ Saturday and Thursday _________ the university .



# when water _______  it _________ into ice .

will freeze,turns///freezes,turns/// would freeze,turned///froze,turns


# if he___________  his first draft he would have received a better grade.

would have revised///had revised///revised///has revised 

ans:had revised

#The number of female students graduating _______  from 1995 to 2015 

increased by more than twice///more than doubled///increased  more than two times///had more than double 

Ans:had more than double 

#It should be ____________

her with whom you share your ideas,not me///her with whom you share your ideas,not I///she with whom you share your ideas not me///she with whom you share your ideas,not I 

ans:she with whom you share your ideas,not I 


#NBR requires ________    

that  e-TIN form should be submitted///that  e-TIN forms be submitted///for e-TIN  forms to be submitted///e-TIN form submission 

ans:that  e-TIN forms be submitted

#choose the most likely synonyms of the following words: unkempt 



#choose the most likely synonyms of the following words: animosity 


#choose the most likely synonyms of the following words:obedient 



#choose the most likely Antonyms from the following words: candid


ans: devious

#choose the most likely Antonyms from the following words:flamboyant decorated///ordinary///ostentatious///tense


#which of the following spelling is correct:



#choose the correct meaning of the phrase “a man of straw “

a man with no substance///a man of substance///a worthy fellow///an unreasonable person

ans:a man with no substance


Agrani Bank Senior Officer 2017: Question and Solution 

Fill in the blanks:

The doctor was worried ___the patient


Soldiers were deployed ___ the boarder of the country.



I am accustomed ___ such a life.


____________ she reached the exam hall than the door closed.

No sooner had

The proverb ‘A burnt child dreads fire means.

A bad experience may scare one’s attitude.

What is the synonym of Diligent?



Which is the singular number?


Which one of the following pairs is similar in relationship to Curiosity: know?

Wanderlust : Travel

The author of the novel “The Trial” is:

Franz Kafka

Find the odd word in the following list.


Find out this text in your text book. The underlined words are respectively:

The passive form of the sentence. ‘Who has written Hamlet?’ Is:

Who has Hamlet been written by?

The indirect form of the sentence “He said, ‘Let us go for a walk’.”

The idiom ‘e all and end all’ means:


The word ‘Hypocritical’ is the antonym of:


Which one is correct spelling?


Choose the correct sentence:

Between you and me, I doubt that he would come.

Choose the correct sentence:

One of the boys is meeting me today

Choose the correct sentence:

He acted in a cowardly manner.

Choose the correct sentence:

The intruder stood quietly for a few moments.


Pubali Bank অ্যাসিসট্যান্ট অফিসার টেলার ২০১৭

1. I suffer from no ________about my capabilities.


2. the students are not prepared ________the exam
to take

3. Man is essentially a ________ animal and tends to associate with others

4. we didn't __________  the program to be such a huge success.


5.we should ________opportunities as they arise .

 Select the one that is most closely opposite in meaning to the capitalised word


7. Imprecision




11.For each of the capital word for words are listed below choose the word nearest in meaning to it.

12. Diplomatically

13. fulsome

14. Apex

16. Choose the correct spelt word

17. Choose the correct spelt word

18. Choose the correct spelt word
19. Choose the correct spelt word

20. Choose the correct spelt word

21. Select  from the answer options. the pair of words having a similar relationships to the first pair.



25. Select  from the answer options. the pair of words having a similar relationships to the first pair.

Pubali Bank Senior Officer,Officer 2017


1. Sedate

2. intrinsic

3. Humorous

4. Nectar

5. Jovial


One word substitution:

6.A large dark grey that brings rain/snow----Nimbus

7.A hater of learning & knowledge-----misologist

8. Destruction of unborn baby in mother's womb----- foeticide

9. Perceptible to be air----audible

10. A person who is out to destroy a government----anarchist


11. Exacting-Smooth

12. Fallow-Cultivated

13. Desiccated-Fresh

14. Tortuous- Straight

15. Inconsequential- important


More or less same meaning (Synonym):

16. superannuated>>> Obsolete

17. scurrilous>>> Unjustified

18. pacific>>> Tranquil

19. ponderous>>> Dull & labored

20. solace>>> Consolation


Fill in the blanks: ALL of these given from Pearson’s guide to English

21. With the realization , the people suddenly found themselves left with _________ moral values and little ethical_______ (established; grasp)

22. The fact that a business has______ does not create an_______ on it to give away its prosperity. (proposed;imperative)

23. The teacher _______ his students ________ being late to school. (reprimanded;for)

24. The dimension of the ________ are known and the solution is ________ on (problem;agreed)

25. To _______ his arguments , he ________ several references .(substantiate;cited)

সহকারী প্রোগ্রামার (নন-ক্যাডার) পদে (একাধিক পদে) নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা ২০১৭

২৬। 'Farewell to Arms' is novel by-

উ. Earnest Hemingway

২৭। No one can ---- that he is clever.

উ. deny

২৮। Antonym the word 'Discreet'-

উ. Indiscreet

২৯। He was absent ----- the meeting.

উ. from

৩০। There is no free access ----- the Secretary's room.

উ. to

৩১। How far is the train station?

উ. Interrogative sentence

৩২। Synonym of the word 'poor' is-

উ. Destitute

৩৩। Author of 'Macbeth'-

উ. William Shakespeare

৩৪। He was helping me. passive form is-

উ. I was being helped by him.

৩৫। Give me ------ milk.

উ. a little

৩৬। Which one is an incorrect?

উ. I watched him eat

৩৭। Which is wrongly spelt?

উ. mankies

৩৮। The Meghna falls into ----- Bay of Bengal.

উ. the

৩৯। I shall ------ the sum before the teacher comes.

উ. have done

৪০। 'White Elephant' means

উ. very costly or troublesome

৪১। To be or not to be.... taken from?

উ. Hamlet

৪২। Which one is correct?

উ. They had arrived before we left.

৪৩। Today is ------ than yesterday.

উ. sunnier

৪৪। He has been studying ----- morning.

উ. since

৪৫। An adjective modifies -

উ. a noun

৪৬। He is "wiser" is-

উ. Comparative

৪৭। I found him guilty. Here 'guilty' is-

উ. Complement

৪৮। Plural of Sheep -

উ. Sheep

৪৯। 'Excuse me' is usually used to-

উ. draw attention

৫০। Having ------ me he has married again.

উ. forgotten

জনতা ব্যাংক এক্সিকিউটিভ অফিসার ২০১৭ (সকাল)

Fill in the black

1. if the banks desire to ______ profit, they should get rid of ______ measures.

Loss, concentrate///@@Increase, populist///earn, healthy///maximize, modern

2. There are ___ instances to prove that the leader ___ courteously with everyone.

No, major///treats, works///various, demand///@@Several, behaves

3. Being an incorrigible ______ he will never tell the ________.

Lier, truth///idiot, story///criminal, message///@@Offender, details

4. Your _____ will ______ all the benefits you derived from your hard work.

Patience, delete///possessiveness, enhance///@@Carelessness, nullify///apathy, increase

5. To succeed in any _______ task, _______ is needed.

Challenging, impatience///critical, approach///appropriate, strategy///@@Difficult, perseverance.



Choose the one which best replaces the highlighted phrase:

1. He failed in his attempt to disperse the mob before the miscreants sets the fire on the bus.

@@set the bus on fire///setting fire on the bus///set fire on the bus///set the fire on to the bus

2. How can one mobilize support from colleagues without being cordially to them?

Being cordially for///been cordially to///@@being cordial to///cordially being to

3. For every citizen it is mandatory to help the civic administration for keep up the city clean.

For upkeep clean the city///for clean and keep the city///for keeping of the city cleanliness///@@to keep the city clean

4. How religious intolerance can blight social peace and harmony can be gauged from events take place around the globe.

Taken place over///@@taking place around///took place around///taken place in

5. The two brothers were so much similar in appearance that nobody believed that they were twins.

Very much similar in///so much similar at///@@so different in/// so different from


Select from the alternatives, the word that conveys the same meaning as the word given in capital letters:

1. MOROSE—irritable///uncivilized///@@depressed///pessimistic

2. SUNDRY—complex///express///unmatched///@@Various

3. AGILITY—prosperity///style///@@quickness///allure

4. OSTENTATION—protruding///wealthy///decorative///@@Showy

5. LATENT--- hard///@@Concealed///visible///display


Find the two words that are similar or opposite in meaning and indicate the letter of the correct number combination provided in the options:

A.    1. Transit 2. Unilocular 3. Permanent 4. Vulnerable


B.    1. Ambience 2. Convenient 3. Atmosphere 4. Degradation


C.    1. Vivacious 2. Weird 3. Rabid 4. Fanatical


D.    1. Prophetic 2. Strange 3. Poor 4. Sterling


E.    1. Benevolent 2. Alarming 3. Charitable 4. Stupendous



​Choose the correctly spelt word:

1. acquaintence///acquantance///@@acquaintance///acquentence

2. accommodate///accommodate///@@accommodate///acomodate

3. @@occurred///occurred///occurred///ocurrd

4. erroniously///erroneusly///@@erroneously///erroniosly

5. demmurage///@@demurrage///demarrage///demurage



জনতা ব্যাংক এক্সিকিউটিভ অফিসার ২০১৭ বিকাল



Choose the one that best expresses the meaning of the given idiom/phrase in italics:

51. it has been proved upto the hilt that Rahman’s intentions are bad.

B. completely

52. after the retirement, Mr. Karim is thinking of resting on his oars.

A. rest after hard work

53. she took into her head to leave her job in no time and go to her parents.

C. a sudden idea

54. An honest person never plays fast and loose with his friends.

D. to be inconsistent

55. After the death of his father, Rahim is playing ducks and drakes with his inherited property and is sure to ruin himself.

A. to spend lavishly

Direction: Choose the one that can be substituted for the given words/sentences in the following questions.

56. Talking disrespectfully of sacred things is called-

B. blasphemy

57. The murder of the king is called a-

C. regicide

58. A person who studies the formation of the earth –

D. geologist

59. One who sacrifices his life for a cause –

C. martyr

60. A person interested in reading books and nothing else –

B. bookworm

Direction: Choose the correctly spelt word






Direction: Select the word or phrase that is most closely opposite in meaning to the capitalized word.

66. APPLAUD – C. criticize

67. ABERRATION – B. typical behavior

68. EXECRABLE – C. laudable

69. TRIUMPH – C. failure

70. FRUGALITY – A. generosity

Direction: select from the options, the pair having a similar relationship to the first pair.

71. Permanent : Evanescent ::

B. Durable : Fleeting

72. Manumit : Enslave ::

D. Repel :Attract

73. Promise : Fulfill ::

B. law : Enforce

74. Isolationist : Aloof ::

A. Mist : Mournful

75. Ernest : Immoral ::

A. Restrained : Wanton



# Amicable শব্দের সমার্থক শব্দ কোনটি?


# Identify the correct synmnym for the word ‘Maganimous’-


# The word ecological is related to ............


# I am looking forward

-to seeing

# He advised me.....smoking

-to give up

# The parents became extremely ... when their son had not returned by ten.


# Camouflage means-


# Choose the uncountable noun from below:


# He is ----- M.A. in English.

Ans: an

# ‘Pass away means’-

Ans: die

# Chosse the counable noun from below—

Ans: Mesage

# Which one is correct?

-The old man died yesterday.

# What is the verb of ability?


# Which one is in singular number?


# Which one is correct?

-It is quarter past ten

# The word hopeful is a/an-


# ‘I shall be eating’ is an example of .............. tense?

-Future continuous

# He died ...................... accident.


# Which one is correct?

-You, he and I are present

# Which one is the superlative degree of little?


# He went there at 7 O’clock ........... the evening.


NSI AD 2017


“ To do away with” means-
Ans: get rid of

2. He talked as if he _______ everything.

Ans: had known

3. Which one is correct?

You, he and I are

4.what type of noun is “kindness”?

Ans: abstract

5. which one is the correct spelling?

Ans: Cigarette

6.Greenhouse effects the cause of _____

Ans:Gradual rise of temperature

7. while he __________ along the road a snake bit him?

Ans: was walking

8. Nobel price is  considered the highest  honour ________can be achieved

in various field.


9.Emperor Akbar— was a son of Humayun .
Ans:a great leader

10.I cut myself, here “myself” is an-

Ans: Reflexive pronoun

11.Which one isп an example of comparative degree?

Ans: Less

12.It is you who ________ to blame

13.Which one is masculine gender?

Ans: Ox

14. Which one is the synonym of “competent”?


15.I wish if I ______ a cricketer.


16.shakespeare is known mostly for his _____

Ans:  Drama


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