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BCS Preparation: কম্পিউটারের মধ্যে কমন আসার মত ৫০০টি তথ্য (পর্ব ১১)

02 Feb 2021

401. Flow chart is the pictorial form of the different steps of a program;

402. Pseudo code used in programming, the word ‘Pseudo’ come from Greek;

403. In programming language ‘Pseudo’ means- It is not true;

404. When some instruction are written before using the programming language is called- Pseudo code;

405. Boolean data type is 2 byte;

406. Integer data type is 2 byte;

407. The size of ‘Date’ data type = 8 byte; [each character 2 byte]

408. Property, Event and Method are the base of a object oriented programming;

409. A visual basic programming does have 3 mood;

410. When controls are used on the form at the design mood visual basic programming is called Interface of program;

411. The principal goal of a visual basic programming language is fast and easy window based program;

412. In 3rd step coding work is done in programming;

413. Flow chart is one of the base of programming;

414. Coding means write program;

415. 3 types of operators used in visual Basic program;

416. Array- One kind of variable;

417. DO --------- LOOP is the statement, means- repetition;

418. The short form of Combo box- object in visual basic programming- cbo;

419. The short form of command Button in visual Basic programming- cmd;

420. The short form of label object in visual basic programming- lbl;

421. The short form of Text object in visual basic program- txt

422. Visual basic programming marketed in 1960;

423. The program that translate program that’s written in high level language into machine language is called- Compiler;

424. The ‘Add or remove programs’ utility can be found in- Control panel;

425. The task of a debug program is to look into all programs to- Locate and correct errors;

426. The process of identifying and correcting mistakes in a computer program is referred to as- Debugging [Wrong program];

427. There are three types of errors in a program, namely- (a). Syntax error; (b). Logical error; (c). Executive error.

428. In a computer program, the process of executing the same instructions over and over is called- Looping; Computer Network and Internet:

429. Network can exchange data in between different companies;

430. There are 2 types of Network in computers in context of geographical region- Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN);


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