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BCS Preparation: কম্পিউটারের মধ্যে কমন আসার মত ৫০০টি তথ্য (পর্ব ০৩)

13 Dec 2020

116. USA is the inventor of Internet in 1969. Invented by- Vinton Gray Cerf;

117. The predecessor of modern internet- Arpanet (Advance Research Project Agency Network);

118. Web browser is used to display web contents;

119. Popular Web browsers- Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google chrome, Internet Explorer;

120. Search engines searches websites by keyword(s);

121. Popular search engines- Google, Yahoo, Bing, Hotmail, MSN;

122. The resolution of a printer is measured in Dot Per Inch (DPI);

123. Tape speed- Inch per second;

124. The most commonly used standard data code to represent alphabetical numerical and punctuation characters used in electronic data processing system is called- ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange).

125. The two basic type of record access methods are- Sequential and Random;

126. Lower efficiency is the limitation of high level language;

127. Sequential file organization is the most efficient for a file with a high degree of file activity.

128. In a punched card system data is processed by a accounting machine, keypunch machine and sorter;

129. The central device in star topology is- Hub/Switch;

130. An online backing storage system capable of storing larger quantities of data is- Mass

131. DASD-A class of storage device that can access storage locations in any others;

132. Disk- An item of storage medium in the form of circular plate;

133. Aback extension refers usually backup file.

134. Wi-Fi means Wireless fidelity;

135. WiMax- Wireless Internet Technology;

136. A technique used by codes to convert an analogy signal into a digital bit stream is known as- pulse code modulation;

137. Interconnected computer configuration- Multiprogramming;

138. An input and output device at which data enters or leaves a computer system- Terminal;

139. A group of magnetic tapes, video or terminals usually under the control of one master - Cluster;

140. The data recording format is most of the modern magnetic tape is – 8 bit EBCDIC;

141. The most common type of storage device is- Magnetic;

142. Each model of a computer has a unique machine language;

143. A computer connected with server (server client) is called- work station;

144. Microsoft is trying to buy yahoo search engine.

145. Programming languages- Fortran, Java, C++, BASIC, LOGO, COBOL, Pascal;

146. 1st Programming language- Fortran (Formula Translator);

147. The characteristic of computers that differentiate from the other electronic devices- Programming;

148. Instruction in computer language consist of OPCODE & OPERAND;

149. Other name of Chip- IC (Integrated Circuit);

150. The component works first, when you start your computer- Processor;


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