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অগ্রণী ব্যাংক সিনিয়র অফিসার পরীক্ষা প্রস্তুতিঃ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সাধারণ জ্ঞান

03 Dec 2020

  • According to National Budget FY-2016-17 of Bangladesh, what is the limit of tax free income?
    • 2,50,000 taka
  • According to National Budget FY-2016-17 of Bangladesh, what is the ADP?
    • 1,10,700 crore taka
  • When was National Budget FY-2016-17 of Bangladesh announced?
    • 2 June, 2016
  • How many districts are there in Chittagong Hill tracrts?
    • 3
  • Dahgram chitmahal is situated in-
    • Lalmonirhat
  • Which is the largest ethnic group of Bangladesh?
    • Chakma
  • Which region of Bangladesh is called the country of 360 Awalia?
    • Sylhet
  • The constitution drafting committee formed in 1972 had-
    • 34 members
  • Who was the Finance Minister of Mujibnagar Government?
    • M Mansur Ali

  • Which of the following Non-arab Muslim countries first recognized Bangladesh as an independent nation?
    • Malaysia
  • Who wrote ‘September on Jessore Road'?
    • Alan Ginsberg
  • In Bangladesh, who acts as the administrative head of any ministry?
    • Secretary
  • Which constitutional amendment established Islam as the state religion of Bangladesh?
    • 8th
  • How many sections are there in the Constitution of Bangladesh ?
    • 153
  • Total parts in the constitution of Bangladesh are—
    • 11 
  • The Brahmaputra river originated from—
    • Manshsarovar Lake
  • What is the local name of Saint Martin Island?
    • Narikel Jin Jira
  • Sundarban is declared as the World Heritage by-
    • UNESCO
  • The Sonakanda fort situated in the district of-
    • Narayangonj
  • Who is the highest wicket taker for Bangladesh in ODI cricket?
    • Mashrafe Mortoza



  • Who is the governor of the Reserve Bank of India?
    • Urijit Pate
  • Nature of the organization BIMSTEC is:
    • Socio-economic
  • Which UN body deals with population problem?
    • UNFPA
  • Which one is the last member state of the United Nations?
    • South Sudan
  • Which of the following department was establish in the USA after the event of 9/11?
    • Department of Homeland Security
  • First women Prime Minister in the world
    • Shreemavo Bandaranaike
  • In which year did the French Revolution begin?
    • 1789
  • What is ‘Super 301’?
    • American Trade Law

  • The official language of the Canadian province of Quebec is 
    • French
  • Who was the first Governor General of India?
    • Lord Mountbatten
  • What is the name of Israel’s intelligence agency?
    • Mossad
  • The capital of Ukraine is
    • Kiev 
  • Greenback’ is the popular name of which country’s currency?
    • USA
  • The parliament of Russia is known as
    • Duma and Council 
  • The Spanish civil war began in the year –
    • 1936
  • Which country surrendered unconditionally during the Word War II?
    • Japan
  • Provakaran was a rebel leader in-
    • Sri Lanka

  • Mount Kilimanjaro is in –
    • Tanzania
  • Histrical City Troy is located in-
    • Turkey
  • Who is the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature?
    • Rabindranth Tagore
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