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Bangladesh Bank AD 2016(General Side)

22 Nov 2019


The basic operations performed by a computer are-

Arithmetic Operation///Logical Operation///Storage and Relative///@@All of them

Computers are magnificent devices not only to perform processing (calculation) but they are able to manage huge storage and easy retrieval.

The brain of any computer system is:


Because CPU performs thinking, remembering and controlling the whole system, it is often called the brain of Computer System.


Storage Capacity of Magnetic Disks depends on

tracks per inch of surface///bits per inch of tracks///disk pack in disk surface///@@All of them

It is fairly obvious that more data can be stored in a disk if there are more tracks per inch of disk surface, more bits can be accomodated in every inch of track and many disk packs are used.


The two kinds of main memory are

Primary and Secondary///Random and Sequential///@@ROM and RAM///All of them

Main memory or primary memory are of two types - ROM and RAM. ROM is used to store permanent type of programs such as POST (Power On Self Test), BIOS (Basic Input Output Systems). RAM is used to load user programs and is erased automatically when power supply is cut off.

CD ROM is a

Semiconductor Memory///Memory Register///Magnetic Memory///@@None of them


Which of the following IC was used in third generation of computers?


large-scale integration came into market in the 1970s.


The output quality of a printer is measured by

@@Dot per sq. inch


Which of the following storage devices can store maximum amount of data?

@@Hard Disk


Which of the following is not an input device?

@@COM (Computer Output to Microfilm)


Properly arranged data is called



What is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time?


Which of the following produces the best quality graphics reproduction?



Which of the following is not processing?



Instructions and memory address are represented by

@@Binary Codes



২১. ‘প্রাগৈতিহাসিক’ গল্পের রচয়িতা-
মানিক বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়

২২. চাষাভুষার কাব্য কার রচনা?
নির্মলেন্দু গুণ

২৩. নিচের কোন গ্রন্থ রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর রচিত নয়?

২৪. নিচের কোন বানান শুদ্ধ?

২৫. ‘মিতালি’ কোন প্রকৃতির শব্দ?

২৬. ‘বিষাদ-সিন্ধু’ উপন্যাসের নায়কের নাম কি?
ইমাম হোসেন

২৭. ‘ও কি গাড়িয়াল ভাই কত রব আমি পান্থের দিকে চাইয়া রে-‘কোন ধরনের গান?

২৮. ক্ষীয়মান এর বিপরীত শব্দ কি?

২৯. ‘মানচিত্র’ নাটক কে রচনা করেন?
আনিস চৌধুরী

৩০. ‘জীবন-প্রভাত’ কোন ধরনের উপন্যাস?

৩১. ‘কাননে কুসুম কলি সকলি ফুটিল’-এই বাক্যে কাননে কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি?
অধিকরণে ৭মী

৩২. ‘কোথায় স্বর্গ কোথায় নরক কে বলে তা বহুদূর’-এই অমর পঙক্তির রচয়িতা-
শেখ ফজলল করিম

৩৩. অনূদিত গ্রন্থ ‘নি:সঙ্গতার একশ বছর’-এর মূল লেখক-
গ্যাব্রিয়েল গার্সিয়া মার্কেজ

৩৪. ‘সাহিত্যের কাছে প্রত্যাশা’-কার লেখা বই?
যতীন সরকার

৩৫. ম্যাক্সিম গোর্কির ‘মা’ কোন ভাষায় রচিত?

General Knowledge

66. Which of the following is situated to the east of Bangladesh?


67. Which of the following organization has head office located in Dhaka?


68. Which film is made on the partition of 1971?

Chitra Nodir Pare

69. Who was the captain of the first test match Bangladesh?

Naymur Rahman

70. Which one is the biggest religious and social festival of the Chakmas?


71. What is the name of the biggest NGO in the world?


72. Which Banladeshi players name has been included in the Guiness Book of Record?

Zobaira Linu

73. What is the local name of Saint Martin Island?

Narikel Jin Jira

74. The only Folklore Museum of Bangladesh is located at-


75. Who made Hossaini Building (Imam Bara)?

Mir Murad

76. Which of the following country doesn’t belong to G-8?


77. Where is Birmingham Palace situated?


78. What is the name of Israel’s intelligence agency?


79. The recent Nepal Earthquake in April 2015 is also known as the-

Gorkha Earthquake

80. When was ‘Missionaries of Charity’ established by Mother Teresa?


81. Which one is the last member state of the United Nations?
South Sudan

82. Who is the painter of the famous painting “The persistence of Memory”?

Salvador Dali

83. Who became the first cricketer to score four consecutive one day international centuries during the World Cup 2015?

Kumar Sangakkara

84. Who is known as the father of Green Revolution?

Norman Borlaug

85. In which university does the physicist of Bangladesh Dr. M Zahid Hasan work?






Direction: out of four options, choose the one which best replaces the highlighted phrase.


1.       At the end of the play about women’s liberalism, the leading lady cautioned the audience not to judge the womanhood by the way she dresses:

she dresses

2.       As no one knows the truth as fully as him, no one but him can provide the testimony:

as fully as he does, no one but he alone


3.       His speech was optimistic, but at the end of it he stroke a note of caution.


struck a note of caution


4.       Men have been known how important the sun is to them

Men have long known


5.       Please give him medicines if his temperature will rise.

if his temperature rises



Direction: Select from the alternatives, the word that conveys the same meaning as the word given in the capital letters.

6.       MELEE



7.       LIMPID



8.       OBTUSE



9.       MYSTICAL

spiritually symbolic 







Direction: Select the word or phrase that is most closely opposite in the meaning to the capitalized word.




12.   SPOIL






14.   INERT




15.   TENDER



Direction: choose the one that can be substituted for the given words/phrase

16.   animals who eat flesh of another animal



17.   Cessation of arms before a formal treaty is signed during war



18.   something that becomes outdated



19.   official misconduct



20.   likely to break apart easily


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