Studypress Blog

How to use "It is high time"

07 Apr 2019

সাধারণত It is time, it is high time, wish ইত্যাদির পরে subject ও bracket-এ মূল verb থাকলে verb-এর past form হয়।
যেমন: It is time you (finish) a course on English language.
Ans.: It is time you finished a course on English language.
I wish I (sing). Ans.: I wish I sang.

High Time


আবার, It is time, it is high time-এর পর যদি bracket-এ মূল verb থাকে, তবে ওই verb-এর আগে to বসবে এবং ওই verb অপরিবর্তিত থাকবে।
যেমন: It is time (play). Ans.: It is time to play.
It is high time (stand) by the flood-affected people.
Ans.: It is high time to stand by the flood-affected people.

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