Studypress Blog

Bankers Selection Committee (BSC)

14 Aug 2021

  • The translation of ‘Bolt from the blue’ - বিনা মেঘে বজ্রপাত
  • The synonym of ‘Disdain’ is – Ans: belittle
  • Choose the correct sentence – Ans:  I have a bone to pick with you.
  • Find the opposite word of ‘Anomalous’? Ans: Common
  • Fill in the gap with appropriate word: I hoped he____ arrived safely. Ans: had 
  • The Bengali meaning of the word ‘naturalism’ Ans: স্বভাববাদ
  • Identify the correct sentence – Ans: If anyone calls me, take their name.
  • Fill in the bank. The changes in this city have occurred _____. Ans: rapidly
  • Fill in the gap with appropriate word: She availed herself___ the opportunity. Ans: of
  • Find out the correctly spelt word- Ans: Reconnaissance 
  • Find the correct analogy of – Fossil: Anthropology  Ans: idea: ideology
  • Find the correct meaning of the underlined part: Honesty is half the battle in life. Ans: substantial asset.
  • What is the meaning of ‘prologue’? Ans: প্রস্তাবনা
  • Translate into Bangla – ‘Chalk for cheese’. Ans: মন্দের ভালো।
  • Translate into English – ‘আমি যখন ছেলেটিকে দেখলাম, তখন সে কয়েক ঘণ্টা ধরে কাঁদছিল’- Ans: Hen I saw the boy, he was crying for several hours.
  • Fill in the blanks. Dogs have antipathy___ cats. Ans: with/to

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