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DHAKA BANK Trainee Officer: 2016 Question And Solution

24 Jun 2016

Questions 1 to 5: For each question identify the correct spelling

1. Licance///Licents///Lisance///Lisanse///None of these.

Ans: None of these.

2. Comitte///Committee///Comite///Comiti///None of these

Ans: Committee

3. Apropriate///Appropriate///Appropriet///Apropriet///None of these

Ans: Appropriate

4. Recieve///Receive///Receve///Ricieve///None of these.

Ans: Receive

5. Extantion///Extansion///Extension///Extention///None of these

Ans: Extension


Questions 6 to 13: Choose the appropriate word/phrase to fill in the gap in each sentence

6. Safayet avoided going by car ...... purpose.

in///for///by///on///none of these

 Ans: On

7. The trunk containing costumes, make ups and props ...... at the stage entrance of the theatre.

was left///have left///were left///has left///none of these.

Ans: was left

8. The box of tissues ................nearly empty.

is///are///has///have///none of these

Ans: is

9. Mr. Raian .... in a remote village named Rupnagar.

is born///was given born///was given///was born///none of these

Ans: was born

10.The kid has learnt the poem .... heart.

in///with///by///within///none of these.

 Ans: by

11. I prefer tea .......... coffee.

than///for///from///to///none of these

        Ans: than

12. It was not long since I ...... her last.

see///saw///had seen///have seen///none of these.


13. Student should .....................the rules.

aim at///abide by///bask in///cohort in///none of these

       Ans: abide by

Question 14 to 18: Choose the most appropriate answer to the following questions based on a typical day to day conversation.

14. When will you finish the work?

another time///for two hours///almost every day///by today///none of these.

 Ans: By today

15. The boss is looking for you. Where have you been?

Go for a Sandwich///With Jane///At 12:00///out for lunch///none of these.

Ans: with Jane

16. What do you do at your leisure?

With Bob///In my room///English poem///Read Novels///None of these

Ans: read novels

17. When will you mail the letter?

Last night///After school///To karim///By Kabir///None of these

Ans: After school.

18. What kind of work do you do?

I work every day///I’m a piano teacher///I worked two hours///Dhaka tomorrow///None of these

Ans: I’m a piano teacher.

Questions 19 to 24: Select the word/phrase you think is closest in meaning to the words in Bengali



21. বিষাক্ত-

tousle///ugly///toxic///plephora///none of these.

Ans: toxic

22. প্রতিনিধি-

commend///representative///angel///bigrade///none of these

Ans: representative

23. পর্যাপ্ত

lack///unwanted///sharp///adequate///none of these

Ans: adequate

24. প্রশিক্ষণ

invest///meeting///conservation///training///none of these

 Ans: training


25. arif is now 5 times as old as babu, but 7 years from now he will be 3 times as old as babu. How old is arif now?

Ans: none of these

26. if x is an even number, what is the difference between the smallest even number greater than (5x +6) and the largest even number less than (3x +9) ?


27. babu gave 20% of his marbles to sadeq, and 20% of the rest of the marbles to tipu. If he now has 320 marbles, how many did he have originally?

Ans: 500

28. what is the radius of the in-circle of the triangle whose sides measure 5, 12 and 13 units?


Ans: 2

29. if -2


Ans: -7

30. a car averages 25 miles per gallon of gasoline when driven in the city and 40 miles per gallon when driven on the highway. According to these rates, which of the following is closest to the number of miles per gallon that the car averages when it is driven 10 miles in the city and then 50 miles on the highway?


Ans: 36

31. Annie invested a certain sum of money in a bank that paid simple interest. The amount grew to Tk. 240 at the end of 2 years. She waited for another 3 years and got a final amount of Tk. 300. What was the principal amount that she invested at the beginning?


Ans: 200

32. in what ratio should a 20% methyl alcohol solution be mixed with a 50% methyl alcohol solution so that the resultant solution has 40% methyl alcohol in it?


Ans: 1:2

33. a cube of side 5 cm is painted on all its side. It is sliced into 1 cubic centimeter cubes, how many 1 cubic centimeter cubes will have exactly one of their sides painted?


Ans: 54

34. moyna has n chocolates, where n is an integer such that 20


Ans: 2

35. in how many ways can annie, bushra, camellia, don, eliza and farzana be seated if annie and bushra cannot be seated next to each other?


Ans: 600

36. if a and b are integers greater than 100 such  that a+b = 300, which of the following could be the exact ratio of a to b?


Ans: 3 to 2

37. if 0


Ans: a

38. Ehsan can mow the lawn in 30 mintues, and together with his brother Asif, they can mow the lawn in 20 mintues. How long would it take for asif working alone to mow the lawn?


Ans: 1 hour

39. in a class, 120 students are male and 100 students are female. 25% of the male students and 20% of the female students are engineering students. 20% of the male engineering students and 25% of the female engineering students passed the final exam. What percentage of engineering students passed the exam?


Ans: 22%

40. the number 3 divides x with a result of Y and a remainder of 2. The number 3 divides Y with a result of 2 and a remainder of 1. What is the value of X?


Ans: 23

41. a company hired a plumber and 8 workers to do a certain job. The daily wages for the plumber is times more than that of a worker. If the company paid a total of Tk. X for the work, what was the payment received by the plumber?



42. if m = 4n/(x +n), then n =


Ans: mx +m/4

General knowledge;

43. Which country has adopted Bengali as their second language?

       East Timor///Sierra Leone///Liberia///Congo///None of these

Ans: Sierra Leone

44. Dahgram chitmahal is situated in-

       Lalmonirhat///Kurigram///rajshahi///Pabna///None of these.

Ans: Lalmonirhat

45. In which museum is the ‘Mona Lisa’  displayed?

The Louver, Paris///Bonn Women’s Museum, germany///Acropolis museum, Greece///Swiss National Museum, Switzerland///none of these

Ans: The Louver, Paris

46. Who is the President of National Assembly of Bangladesh?

Most senior MP///Prime minister///Speaker///Chief whip///None of these          

Ans: Speaker

47. In terms of land area which one is the largest district of Bangladesh?

Rangamati///Chittagong///Dhaka///Feni///None of these

Ans: Rangamati

48. Which UN body deals with population problem?

UNFPA///UNDP///UNICEF///UNESCO///none of these


49. On which date the World Environment Day celebrated every year?

June 5///January 17///August 15///May 24///None of these

Ans: June 5

50. The Head Quarter of UNESCO is at-

New York///Paris///Geneva///Rome///none of these

51. Which is highest waterfall in the world?

Niagra Falls///Angel Falls///Tugela Falls///Creek Falls///none of these

Ans: Angel Falls.

52. How many districts are there in Chittagong Hill tracrts?

2///3///13///18///none of these

Ans: 3

53. Bangladesh Postal Academy is located at?

Ans: Rajshahi


55. Which of the following country will host the 2018 FIFA world cup?

Argentina///Russia///Qatar///Brazil///none of these

Ans: russia

56. Which of the following state was bought by USA from Russia?

Alaska///Florida///Ohio///Arizona///none of these

Ans: Alaska

57. The Head office of the Asian Development Bank is located in-

South korea///India///Philippines///China///none of these

58. How many specialized financial institutions are there in our country?

4///3///6///7///none of these

59. During liberation war, Dhaka was under sector-

2///3///5///7///none of these

Ans: 2

60. SAARC Agricultural Information Center is located in-

New Delhi///Kathmandu///Islamabad///Dhaka///none of these

Ans: Dhaka

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