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Combined Bank job preparation suggestion - 73

10 Sep 2020

1. The size of the national budget (2017-18) is : --- BDT 4,00,266 crore
2. ‘BO’ in BO account stands for  ---- – Beneficiary Owner’s
3. Government fiscal policy is related to –---  Tax
4. Which is a place of off-shore banking –---  Cayman Islands
5. ‘ISO’ stands for –---  International Standard Organization
6. Which device is used to record earthquake  –---  Seismograph
7. Which country first used E-voting –---  Estonia
8. The central banking system of United States is framed by how many Federal reserve system –---- 12
9. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is located at –     Geneva
10. Which sector is highest contributor to GDP – ----  Service
11. Which is the largest planet in the solar system  ----– Jupiter
12. How many countries are currently member of FIFA –----  There are currently 211 FIFA members
13. First Bangladeshi women to reach the summit of Everest – ----  Nishat Majumder
14. Which organization of World bank is known as the ‘Soft-loan’ windor   ------ IDA
15. Devaluation of Taka is likely to increase –----  Export
16. During the Liberation war of 1971, into how many sector was Bangladesh divided –---- 11