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Combined Bank job preparation suggestion - 70

10 Sep 2020

1. Head quarter of UNESCO is in   ---- Paris
2. Total parts in the constitution of Bangladesh  ---- 11
3. Which is the venue of next Olympic  ----– Japan (2020)
4. The first five year plan of Bangladesh was launched in ----- July, 1973
5. OPEC is the carter for product  ---- – Petroleum
6. ‘Green Peace’ is an organization of  ----  Environment Monitoring
7. ‘ATM’ means   ----- Automated Teller Machine
8. The world human rights day is observed on   -------  December 10
9. Who was the last Viceroy of British India   -------   Lord Mountbatten
10. BRICS refers to the following countries
[[[[[[[[[[[Ans: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa]]]]]]]]]]]
11. Which is the first country to use E-voting in its election    ----- Estonia
12. NASDAQ is the name of –----    Stock market in USA
13. Which country is located in both Asia and Europe  ------ Turkey
14. ‘Port Blair’ is situated in   ------ Bay of Bengal
15. Number of Officials language of United Nations is –---  6
16. Which is the highest national award in Bangladesh  ------ Bir Shrestho
17. Standard and Poor (S & P) is known for –----  Financial Service
18. Which is the richest company in the world ------ Apple (Real Net Worth: $151 Billion)
Source: Gazette Review
[[[[[[[[[[[[[**Google ranked as the world's most valuable brand in the 2017 Most Valuable Global Brands list with a brand value of over $245 billion]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
19. Currently, who is the richest football player  -----– Cristiano Ronaldo (Total wealth: $230 million)
20. Bangladesh Bank was established in- 16 December 1971
21. The Brahmaputra  river originated from –-----  Mansarovar Lake
22. ECNEC stands for –----- Economic committee of National Economic council