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Combined Bank job preparation suggestion - 54

07 Sep 2020

1. Wall street is in ----  New York City
2. The capital of Myanmar is –---- Naypyidaw (Since 2006)
3. Which division of Bangladesh has no boarder connection with India –----- Barishal
4. Albert Einstein was born in which country – -----  Germany
5. What is the name of the disputed territory that lies between China and Japan –--- Senkaku
6. What is the name of British Parliament –--- House of Commons
7. What is the name of Meghna at its origin –-- The Barak
8. Which one is written by Safia Kamal –---   Ekatturer Diary
9. The duration of a cheque is valid for –---- 6 months
10. Which country is not a member of G-20 –----  Malaysia
11. Which of the following city is known as the Pink city –----  Jaipur
12. Reuters is a –---  Newsagency
13. Who initiated the Widow Marriage Act –---  Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
14. The Cambodian currency is –----  Riel
15. Government fiscal policy relates to –----  Tax expenditure
16. How many members of the Jatiya Sangshad constitute the quorum –----- 60
17. IPO is the term used in –----- Stock market
18. The total number of electoral college votes in the USA is –---- 538
19. Which country is ruled by the Chakri dynasty that has been in power since 1782 –--- Thailand
20. Who was the first Prime Minister of Bangladesh –--- Tajuddin Ahmed
21. The largest division in Bangladesh is _---- Chittagong