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Important questions about banking and financial Institutions

10 Aug 2020

Question: Which of the following is not a local bank?
Ans: Habib Bank Ltd
Question: Which banks start telephone banking in Bangladesh firstly?
Ans: Standard Chartered Bank
Question: Which is the first privatized bank of Bangladesh?
Ans: AB Bank Ltd.
Question: How many specialized banks in Bangladesh at present?
Ans: 5
Question: Which of the following is not a commercial Bank?
Ans: Bangladesh Shilpa Bank
Question: Bangladesh Development Bank establish in–

Ans: 3 January 2010
Question: How many commercial banks are there in Bangladesh?
Ans: None of these
Question: What is the name of Central Bank of Bangladesh?
Ans: Bangladesh Bank
Question: IPO stands for– Ans: Initial Public Offering
Question: Which of the following are not the functions of central bank?
Ans: receiving diposit
Question: ‘Blue Chips’ are– Ans: Industrial shares considered to be a safe Investmant
Question: In which year was Southeast Bank established?
Ans: 1995
Question: When was ‘Bank of England’ established?
Ans: in 1694
Question: The oldest private foreign Bank of our country:
Ans: Standard Chartered Bank
Question: When was the London Banker’s clearing house, the first clearing house of the world
Ans: in 1845
Question: Grameen Bank is– Ans: Now a Bank Previous an NGO
Question: Which is an investment bank in the public sector?
Ans: None of these
Question: How do commercial banks create money?
Ans: by making loans to customers
Question: What Type of bank is the Exim Bank?
Ans: Commercial
Question: Dhaka Bank Ltd. started to provide Islamic banking services in the year–
 Ans: 2006
Question: Which of the following Nationalized Commercial Bank of Bangladesh is privatized
Ans: Rupali Bank Ltd.
Question: How many schedule banks in bangladesh at present?
Ans: 63
Question: What is the most abundant form of money (measured by value) in a developed
Ans: bank deposits
Question: The first private sector bank in bangladesh is– Ans: AB Bank Ltd.
Question: A ‘bear market’ means, that share price are– Ans: falling
Question: In a closed economy, if the income velocity of circulation of money remains constant,
what will be the result of an increase in the money supply?
Ans: a proportionate increase in the level of money income
Question: The founder of the Grameen Bank is– Ans: Professor Mohammad Yunus
Question: Which of the following is true about Dhaka Bank Ltd?
Ans: None of these
Question: Money can be easily acquired and disposed of without high costs and with relative
certainty as to its value.
Ans: liquidity
Question: What will result in an increase in the transaction demand for money?
Ans: an increase in the proportion of workers paid monthly, rather than weekly
Question: Other things remaining unchanged, what is likely to be a consequence of an increase in
net cash withdrawals from the commercial banks?
Ans: a restriction in the ability of the commercial banks to lend
Question: Devaluation of money results in an increase in– Ans: Export
Question: Which not of the following is not a nationalized Commercial Bank (NCB)?
Ans: AB Bank Ltd.
Question: How many foreign banks in Bangladesh?
Ans: 9
Question: Dhaka Stock Exchange established in—
Ans: 28 April 1954
Question: In which circumstance will an increase in the public sector deficit not lead to an
increase in the money supply other things being equal?
Ans: The deficit is financed by an increase in government borrowing from private individuals
Question: Which of the following banks has recently been declared to be a Public Ltd. Co.?
Ans: Sonali
Question: BASIC Bank Ltd. started its operation in the year– Ans: 1989
Question: ‘Pari Passu’ means– Ans: Ranking equally

Important Question on Bank of Bangladesh

Question: Which organization is the regulator of the capital market?
Ans: Securities and Exchange Commission
Question: What is the former name of the Sonali Bank Limited?
Ans: National Bank of Pakistan
Question: An/a — payment is made out of gratitude moral obligation, kindness rather than to
fulfil a legal obligation. Ans: Ex garation
Question: Which is the first foreign bank in Bangladesh?
Ans: Standard Chartered Bank
Question: Who had earlier offered to buy out the majority shares of Rupali Bank?
Ans: Prince Bandar Bin Mohammed
Question: Which of the following is the function of commercial bank?
Ans: Acceptance of deposit
Question: National Bank Limited starts its operation in Bangladesh?
Ans: 23 March 1983
Question: Jamuna Bank Ltd. started formal operation in Bangladesh in the year– Ans: 2001
Question: What is the name of Central bank of USA?
Ans: Federal Reserve System
Question: In which year was Grameen Bank established?
Ans: 1983
Question: Southeast Bank is listed in: Ans: Both DSE & CSE