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Rupali Bank Officer Cash Question Solution 2018

10 Mar 2018

1. লুব্ধ  অর্থ -> লোলুপ

2. নিচের সমাসবদ্ধ শব্দ  হলাে -উচ্চশাখা

3. 'হু হু কৱে বায়ু ফেলিছে সতত দীর্ঘশ্বাস' বলতে বােঝানাে হয়েছে-> অনিশ্চয়তা

4. নিচের যে শটিকে শাব্দিক অপপ্রয়োগ বলে বিবেচনা করা যায় - অশ্রুজল

5. নিচের যেটি ফুলের নাম নয় - জরদ

6. কারবালা ও শহরনামা কাব্যগ্রন্থটির রচয়িতা – আবদুল হাকিম

7. আৱৰি উৎস থেকে আত্তীকৃত এবং প্রশাসনিক ও সাংস্কৃতিক ক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহৃত শব্দ হলাে – রায়

৪. সুষমা” শব্দে যে নিয়মে ষ বসে -উ-কারান্ত উপসর্গ পূর্বে আছে বলে

9. সুড়ঙ্গ নাটকটির রচয়িতা - সৈয়দ ওয়ালীউল্লাহ।

1০. পল্লিসাহিত্যের অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ বৈশিষ্ট্য হলাে - অসাম্প্রদায়িকতা

11. Insomnia' শব্দটির বাংলা পারিভাষিক রূপ হলাে -  অনিদ্রা

12, ড. মুহাম্মদ শহীদুল্লাহ এর মতে বাংলাভাষা যে প্রাকৃত রূপ থেকে এসেছে- গৌড়ি

13, 'সেই সুমধুর স্তব্ধ দুপুর, (পাঠশালা) পলায়ন-পাঠশালা কোন কারক - অপাদান কারক

14. নিচের যেটি অনুদিত কবিতার দৃষ্টান্ত - জীবন-সঙ্গীত

15. A golden key can open any door প্রবাদটির অর্থ – টাকায় বাঘের মুখ মেলে

16. প্রমিত বানানে লেখা শব্দটি হলাে -আয়ত্তীকরণ

17. Select the pair in the following options which is set in opposition: Divine - Infernal

18.  to the hows of danger, we should try to take the bull by the horns means - Deal the situation decisively

19. The art of cultivating and managing gardens is called -


20. A gentleman should be true __his words.  to

21. A fourteen-lined poem is called a--- sonnet

22. A disease affecting many persons at the same time and place is called -  epidemic

Choose the word/phrase from the list which is nearest in meaning to the boldfaced parts of the sentences (23-24):

23. His letter (fuelled) my doubts.-- Increased

24. The 19th century was the (heyday) of the Renaissance in Bengal --peak-point

25. Choose the correct alternative from the options to fill in the blanks: To make headway is to-make progress

26. This method is not wrong; but there may be a more —method than this. effective

27. The closest meaning of the word 'bizarre in the sentence: The model's clothes were so bizarre that they created quite a sensation' is -peculiar

28. He succeeded by dint — his hard labour.--- of

29. Make it passive: They said he is a good candidate.--He was considered to be a good candidate.

30. Change the narration: The captain says, "Company, move forward.". --The Captain commands the company to move forward.

31. Translate into Bangla: "His stars are now in the ascendant.---এখন তার একাদশে বৃহস্পতি।

32. Tagore's birthday was ----with songs and recitation.---celebrated

33. If sina + sinA = 1, then the value of the expression cosa+ cosA is - -->1 B 1

34. A pole 6 m high casts a shadow 2 v3m long on the ground, then the Sun's elevation is - > 60°

35. If a + 1, 2a +1, 4a-1 are in Arithmetic Progression, then the value of 'a' is: --> 2  

36. Suppose today is Friday. What day of the week will it be 65 days from now? Sunday

37. A median of a triangle divides it into two -triangles of equal area

38. Which of the following angle can be constructed with the help of a ruler and a pair of compasses?  40*

39. If a, b and c are the lengths of the three sides of a triangle, then which of the following is true? a-b<c

40. which line ls parallel to y=x-2? Ans. 2y = 2x - 6

41. The area of a triangle with sides 3 cm, 5 cm and 6 cm is  2v14cm2

42. The pair of co-prime numbers is ->   2,3

43. The value of k,if (x - 1) is a factor of 4x^3 + 3x^2 - 4x + k,is -> -3

44. There are 5 red and 3 black balls in a bag. Probability of drawing a black ball is –>  3/8

45. The total surface area of a hemisphere of radius r is - 4πr^2

46. The roots of the equation 9x^2 - bx + 81 = O will be equal,If the value of b is +- 54

47. If secA + tanA = x, then tanA is  (x^2-1)/2x

48. Consider that w+ x = -4,x+y = 25 and y + w = 15. Then the average of w, x,y is > 6

49. What is the original price of a T-shirt, if the sale price after 15% discount is> 320

50. TK. 500 is deposited in a savings account which pays 79% annual interest compounded semi-annually. To the nearest Taka, how much is in the account at the end of the year? > 536

51. If logx(1/4) =-2, then x =? x=2

52. If 5% is gained by selling an article for BDT 350 than selling it for BDT 340, the cost of the article is - > 200

53. If x = y^a, y = z^b'"and z= x^c then the value of abc is> 1

54, If x is 30% greater than y, what percent of y is x? >130

55. The lengths of two sides of a right-angled triangle are 13 cm and 5 con respectively. The length of the third side > 12

56. The present age of Habib and Shikha are in the ratio of 6:4. Five years ago their ages were in the ratio of 5: 3. How old is Habib now?  > 30

57. Which of the following is a programming language? >Pascal

58. Which disk is used to 'cold boot' a PC? > System disk

59. A collection of unprocessed items is -data

60. The amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document is called > Line Spacing

61. In excel which of the following symbols is used before a numeric value so that it can be treated as a labeled value? = (equal)

62. Which of the following types of menu shows the further sub-choices? > Pull-down

63. Trackball is an example of a/an: Pointing device

64. If you wish to extend the length of the network without having the signal degrade, you would use a ---. Repeater

65. The main function of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is to combat >money laundering

66. The agenda 2063 is a strategic framework for the socio economic transformation of -Africa

67. Recently the country withdrew from UN refugee programme is - Tanzania 68. The country, pioneer in launching the FM radio broadcasting is - Norway

69. The first player to score 10,000 runs in T20 Cricket is -- Chris Gayle

70, The author of the book "Unstoppable: My Life So Far” is - Maria Sharapova

71. Who won the FIFA Men's Player Award for 2017?>Cristiano Ronaldo

72. The name of the first Robot that had given citizenship by Saudi Arabia is - Sophia

73. The war strategy of Muktibahini is known as - Muktifouz strategy

74. The number of lines of our National Anthem played at any national ceremony is first 10 lines

75. The size of Bangladesh's national budget in fiscal year 2017-18 Is -- 4 lac 266 crore

76. The number of common rivers between Bangladesh and

India is - 54

77. The national Jute day is on - 6thMarch

78. Teletalk recently launched a promotional offer for women is -Aporajita

79. The name of the ancient locality of Bengal is – Anga

80. The name of the organization who recently invited the three Nobel (peace) laureates in Bangladeshis ->Naripaksh