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06 Apr 2017


# পদাবলির শ্রেষ্ঠ পদকর্তা: চণ্ডীদাস

# চার ইয়ারী কথা’ গ্রন্থটি রচনা করেন: প্রমথ চৌধুরী

# তারাশঙ্কর বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের ‘সীতারাম’ একটি: ঐতিহাসিক উপন্যাস

# বাংলাভাষার প্রথম সাময়িকপত্র: দিগদর্শন

# বিদ্যাপতি ছিলেন-মিথিলার কবি

#  ‘ফুলদানি’ শব্দের ‘দানি’র ভাষিক পরিচয়: শব্দপ্রত্যয়

# ‘হয়’ শব্দের সমার্থক শব্দ: ঘোড়া

# ‘ঝি’ এর সমার্থক শব্দ: সুতা

# সান্ত শব্দের বিপরীত শব্দ: অনন্ত

(বিস্তারিত জানতে ভিজিট করুন



# The killing of a whole race: Genocide

# The epic ‘Odyssey’ was written by-Homer

# ‘The Origin of species’ was written by-Charles Darwin

# Toxic:Harmful::Gay:Cheerful

# Pull well with: to be friendly with


# RAM stands for-Random Access Memory

# MS Excel is a-Spread Sheet Program

# A bar code reader emits-Light

Daily Science

# The shape of earth is-Spherical

# Meteorology is the science of-Weather

General Knowledge

# The current Venezuelan president: Nicolas Maduro

# The first woman to climb Mount Everest: Junco Tabi

# The capital of Turkey: Ankara  



# The sum of two numbers is equal to thrice their difference. If the smaller of the number is 10.find the other number [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.15   b.20  c.40  d.None of these

Ans: (b)

Let the larger number is x  ATQ, x+10 = 3(x-10) or, x+10 = 3x-30 or, -2x=-40 so, x = 20 Ans:

#  The average age of 8 men is increased by 2 years when one of them whose age is 24 years is replaced by a woman. What is the age of the woman [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.35years   b.28years  c.32 years   d.40years

Ans: (d) ৮ জনের বয়স ২ বছর করে বাড়লে মোটে বাড়বে ৮*২ = ১৬ বছর। অর্থাৎ নতুন আসা মহিলাটি চলে যাওয়া ২৪ বছর বয়সী লোকের চেয়ে ১৬ বছর বড়। সুতরাং মহিলার বয়স = ২৪+১৬ = ৪০ বছর।

# 50% of a% of b is 75% of b% of C. Which of the following is C ? [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.1.5a  b.0.667a  c.0.5a  d.1.25a

Ans: (b)

50% of a% of b = b*50/100*a/100 = ab/200 Again 75% of b% of C = C*75/100*b/100 = 3bC/400 Now, ab/200=3bC/400 or, a =3C/2 or 3C = 2a or C =2a/3 So,  C = 0.667a

#  A makes an article for TK.120 and sells it to B at a profit of 25% . B sells it to C who sells it for TK.195 making a profit of 10%. What profit percent did B make ? [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.25%  b.20%  c.16.66%  d.15%

Ans: (b)

A's sp= 125% of 120=150 B's sp is not given but C sell it 198 tk which make 10% profit so, C's cost= 110% = 198, 1% = =180 finally B purchased it for 150 and sell it to C 180tk So, B’s profit percent =


 # A sum of TK.600 amounts to TK.720 in 4 years at simple interest. What will it amount to if the rate of interest is increased by 2% ? [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.TK.648  b.TK.768  c.TK.726  d.TK.792


Ans: (b)

# The sum of first five prime number is : [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.11  b.18  c.26  d.28

Ans: (d)

প্রথম ৫টি মৌলিক সংখ্যা হলো, ২, ৩, ৫, ৭এবং ১১ সুতরাং এদের যোগফল = ২+৩+৫+৭+১১ = ২৮

#  What is the following is equal to 3.14× 10^6? [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.314  b.3140  c.3140000   d.None of these

Ans: (c)

3.14*10^6   = ( 314/100)*10000 =3140000(Ans)

# If x=1 - q and y = 2q+1 , then for what value of q. x is equal to y ? [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.-1  b.0  c.0.5  d.2

#  If y =5 , then what is thr value of 10y*root y^3-y^2 ? [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.50   b.100  c.200   d.500

Ans: (d)

# 3 years ago , the average age of a family of 5 members was 17 years . A baby having been born , the average age of the family is the same today. The present age of the baby is : [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.1year  b.1year 6months  c.2years  d.3years

Ans: (c)

# There are two numbers such that the sum of twice the first and thrice the second is 39, while the sum of thrice the first and twice the second is 36. The largest of the two is : [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.6  b.8  c.9  d.12

# Ans: (c)

Let, the first number is x and second number is y  For first condition, 2x+3y = 39 and for 2nd condition 3x+2y = 36 By solving the equation we get x = 6 and y = 9, So, largest number is 9

# A person was asked to state his age in years .His reply was , “take my age three years hence , multiple is by 3 and then subtract three times my age three years ago and you will know how old I am ” What was the age of person ? [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.18years  b.20years  c.24years  d.32years

Ans: (a)

#  If root 2^n = 64 , then the value of n is : [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.2   b.4  c.6  d.12

Ans: (d) root 2^n = 64 or, root 2^n= 2^6 or, 2n = 2^12 So, n=12

#Q  In an election, 30% of the voters voted for candidate A whereas 60% of the remaining voted for candidate B . The remaining voters did not vote. If the difference between those who voted for candidate A and those who did not vote was 1200, how many individuals were eligible for casting vote in the election ? [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.10,000  b.45,000  c.60,000  d.72,000

Ans : (c)

Candidate A got = 30% So, Remaining = 100-30 =70%  Candidate B got = 60% of 70 = 42% SO, voters did not vote = 70-42 = 28% Difference of A and did not vote is 30-28 = 2% Now 2% = 1200 then 1% = 600 SO, 100% = 60,000

#  A shopkeeper expects a gain of 22.5% on his cost price . If in a week his sale was of TK.392 , what was his profit ? [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.TK.18.20  b.TK.70  c.TK.72  d.TK.88.25

Ans: (c)

CP = 100% and gain = 22.5%  So, 122.5% = 392 so, 1% = , Then, profit 22.5% =

#  The least whole number which when subtracted from both the terms of the ratio 6:7 gives a ratio less then 16:21 is : [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.2  b.3  c.4  d.6

Ans: (b)

Option test or,6-x:7-x = 16:21 দিয়ে x= 14/5 আসে অর্থাৎ x =3 বসালে এবং বিয়োগ করলে প্রাপ্ত নতুন অনুপাতটি 16:21 এর থেকে ছোট হবে।

# 10 men working 6 hours a day can complete a week in 18 days .how many hours a day must 15 men work to complete the same work in 12 days ? [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)] a.6  b.10  c.12  d.15

Ans: (a)

# Two taps A and B can fill a tank in 5 hours and 20 hours respectively . If both the taps are open then due to leakage , it took 30 minutes more to fill the tank . If the tank is full , how long will it take for the leakage alone to empty the tank ? [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.4.5hrs  b.7hrs  c.18hrs  d.36hrs

Ans: (d)

A+B = 1/5+1/20 = 1/4 or 4 hours.  Due to leakage time taken 4+30min or 4.5 hours So, Power of the leakage is = (4*4.5)/ 4.5-4 = 18/.5 = 36hrs

#  A train can travel 50% faster than a car. Both start from point A at the same time and reach point B 75kms away from A at the same time . On the way , however , the train lost about 12.5 minutes while stopping at the station . The speed of the car is : [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.100Kmph  b.110Kmph  c.120Kmph  d.130Kmph

Ans: (c)

Speed ratio of Train and Car = 3:2 So, Time ratio of train and car = 2:3

their time difference is 3-2 = 1 part = 12.5 min so Car taken 3*12.5 = 37.5min So, Speed of the car in 1 min is 75/37.5 = 2km and in 60min or 1 hour is 2*/60 = 120km


#  A towel , when balanced was found to have lost 20% of its length and 10% of its breadth . The percentage of decrease in area is : [Janata Bank (EO)-2017 (afternoon)]

a.10%  b.10.08%  c.20%  d.28%

Ans: (d)