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জনতা ব্যাংক এক্সিকিউটিভ অফিসার ২০১৭ (সকাল): প্রশ্ন ও পূর্ণাঙ্গ সমাধান

03 Apr 2017

Fill in the black

1. if the banks desire to ______ profit, they should get rid of ______ measures.

Loss, concentrate///@@Increase, populist///earn, healthy///maximize, modern

2. There are ___ instances to prove that the leader ___ courteously with everyone.

No, major///treats, works///various, demand///@@Several, behaves

3. Being an incorrigible ______ he will never tell the ________.

Lier, truth///idiot, story///criminal, message///@@Offender, details

4. Your _____ will ______ all the benefits you derived from your hard work.

Patience, delete///possessiveness, enhance///@@Carelessness, nullify///apathy, increase

5. To succeed in any _______ task, _______ is needed.

Challenging, impatience///critical, approach///appropriate, strategy///@@Difficult, perseverance.


Choose the one which best replaces the highlighted phrase:

1. He failed in his attempt to disperse the mob before the miscreants sets the fire on the bus.

@@set the bus on fire///setting fire on the bus///set fire on the bus///set the fire on to the bus

2. How can one mobilize support from colleagues without being cordially to them?

Being cordially for///been cordially to///@@being cordial to///cordially being to

3. For every citizen it is mandatory to help the civic administration for keep up the city clean.

For upkeep clean the city///for clean and keep the city///for keeping of the city cleanliness///@@to keep the city clean

4. How religious intolerance can blight social peace and harmony can be gauged from events take place around the globe.

Taken place over///@@taking place around///took place around///taken place in

5. The two brothers were so much similar in appearance that nobody believed that they were twins.

Very much similar in///so much similar at///@@so different in/// so different from


Select from the alternatives, the word that conveys the same meaning as the word given in capital letters:

1. MOROSE—irritable///uncivilized///@@depressed///pessimistic

2. SUNDRY—complex///express///unmatched///@@Various

3. AGILITY—prosperity///style///@@quickness///allure

4. OSTENTATION—protruding///wealthy///decorative///@@Showy

5. LATENT--- hard///@@Concealed///visible///display


Find the two words that are similar or opposite in meaning and indicate the letter of the correct number combination provided in the options:

A.    1. Transit 2. Unilocular 3. Permanent 4. Vulnerable


B.    1. Ambience 2. Convenient 3. Atmosphere 4. Degradation


C.    1. Vivacious 2. Weird 3. Rabid 4. Fanatical


D.    1. Prophetic 2. Strange 3. Poor 4. Sterling


E.    1. Benevolent 2. Alarming 3. Charitable 4. Stupendous



Choose the correctly spelt word:

1. acquaintence///acquantance///@@acquaintance///acquentence

2. accommodate///accommodate///@@accommodate///acomodate

3. @@occurred///occurred///occurred///ocurrd

4. erroniously///erroneusly///@@erroneously///erroniosly

5. demmurage///@@demurrage///demarrage///demurage

Where is the Buriganga Eco park situated?


In which year, did the US cancel the GSP facility for Bangladesh?


Since when has Google started news service for Bangladesh?

10th March 2015///15th April 2015///20th June 2015///@@9th September 2015

Which article of the constitution of Bangladesh ensures the separation of Judiciary from the executive?


The book ‘Prodoshe Prakritojon’ was written by-

@@Shawkat Ali///Shakat Osman///Shawkat Mahmud///Akhtaruzzaman Ilius

When was the spelling of the capital of Bangladesh changed from Dacca to Dhaka?


The new capital of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh is –


Islam Korimov was the president of –


The official language of the Canadian province of Quebec is –


The first astronaut to visit space twice was –

Michael Collins///Neil Armstrong///@@Yuri Gagarin///Gus Grissom

Who is the governor of the Reserve Bank of India?

Raghuram Rajan///Arun Jaitley///Subba Rao///@@Urijit Patel

A 25 km long causeway connects Saudi Arabia with which country?

Qatar///@@Bahrain///Yemen///United Arab Emirates

How many Olympic games have been hosted in Africa?


In which year did the Titanic Sink?


Mount Kilimanjaro is in –


Shauille O’ Neal retired in 2011 from what sport?


The Spanish civil war began in the year –


Who was the lyricist of the song titled ‘Mora Ekti Phulke Banchabo Bole Juddho kori’?

@@Gobindo Halder///Gazi Mazharul Anwar///Apel Mahmud///Fazle Khoda

Which is the largest ethnic group of Bangladesh?


‘Fera’ is a –


What is the shortcut key for spelling check in document?


When you insert an excel file into a word document, the date are-

Hyperlinked///@@placed in a word table///linked///embedded

What type of device is computer keyboard?


FTP stands for-

Folder transfer protocol///@@file transfer process///file transfer protocol///file text protocol

FORTRAN is a programming language-

What does FORTRAN stand for?

File translation///format translation///@@Formula translation///floppy translation

Plotter accuracy is measured in terms of repeatability and –

Buffer size///@@resolution///vertical dimensions///intelligence

Computer instructions written with the sue of English words instead of binary machine code is called?

Mnemonics///@@symbolic code///gray code///opcode

Which of the following processors use RISC technology?

486dx///@@Power PC///486sx///6340

The subject of cybernetics deals with the science of –

Genetics///@@control and communication///molecular biology///biochemistry

Which is the first electronic digital computer?


(87*87+61*61*2*87*61) = ?


What is the unit digit in the product (684*759*413*676)?


Which one of the following is not a prime number?


Find the greatest number that will divide 43,91 and 183 so as to leave the same remainder in each case?




The square root of (7 + 3√5)(7 - 3√5) is


The average of the first 50 natural number is:


The sum of two numbers is 40 and their difference is 4. The ratio of the numbers is:


One year ago, pinky was four times as old as her daughter Soma. Six years hence, pinky’s age will exceed her daughter’s age by 9 years. The ratio of the present ages of pinky and her daughter is:


(0.04)-1.5 =


In an election a candidate who gets 84% of the votes is elected by a majority of 476 votes. What is the total number of votes polled?


In a certain store, the profit is 320% of the cost. If the cost increases by 25% but, the selling price remains constant, approximately what percentage of the selling price is the profit?


In a business, A and C invested amounts in the ratio 2:1, whereas the ratio between amounts invested by A and B was 3:2. If Tk. 1,57,300 was their profit, how much amount did B receive?

Tk. 24,200///Tk. 36,300///@@Tk. 48,400///Tk. 72,600

A certain number of men can finish a piece of work in 100 days. If, there were 100 men less, it would take 10 days more for the work to be finished. How many men were there originally?


A is faster than B. A and B each walk 24 km. the sum of their speeds is 7 km/hr and the sum of times taken by them is 14 hours. Then, A’s speed is equal to:

3 km/hr///@@4km/hr///5 km/hr///7 km/hr

Two trains are running in opposite directions with the same speed. If the length of each train is 120 metres and they cross each other in 12 seconds, then the speed of each train (in km/hr) is:


A sum of money lent out at simple interest amounts to tk. 720 after 2 years and to tk. 1020 after further period of 5 years. The sum is:

Tk. 500///@@tk. 600///tk. 700///tk. 710

A sum of money is borrowed and paid back in two annual instalments of tk. 882 each allowing 5% compound interst. The sum borrowed was:

Tk. 1620///tk. 1640///@@tk. 1680///tk. 1700

The ratio between the perimeter and the breadth of a rectangle is 5:1. If the area of the rectangle is 216, what is the length of the rectangle?

16 cm///@@18 cm///20 cm///24 cm

How many times in a day, the hands of a clock are straight?



বাংলা ভাষার উৎপত্তি মাগধি প্রকৃত থেকে। এই উক্তিটি করেছেন -

মুহাম্মদ শহীদুল্লাহ///সুকুমার সেন///@@সুনীতিকুমার চট্টোপাধ্যায়///জর্জ গ্রিয়ার্সন

যদি টরে নাই চিনি গো, সে কি আমায় নেবে চিনে।  এটি কোন ধরণের বাক্য ?


এক যে ছিল রাজা - এখানে যে - এর ব্যবহার -


গোঁফ খেজুরে বলতে বোঝায় -

অসহায়///সাদাসিধে///অকর্মন্য///@@প্রকৃতই অলস

বিদেশী উপসর্গযুক্ত শব্দ -


ছাপাখানা শব্দের 'খানা' কোন ধরণের প্রত্যয়?

বাংলা কৃৎ ///বাংলা তদ্ধতি ///সংস্কৃত তদ্ধিত///@@বিদেশী তদ্ধিত

রথ দেখা কোন সমাস?

নিত্য///দ্বন্দ্ব///@@তৎপুরুষ///সহার্থক বহুব্রীহি

কোন শব্দ গুচ্ছের বানান শুদ্ধ?

স্বায়ত্তশাসন, সমীচিন///দূর্বার, মূমুর্ষু///@@দুর্গা, পুণ্য///স্বান্তনা,শরীরি

বাংলাদেশ যেন জয়লাভ করে। এটি কোন ধরণের বাক্য ?


জল শব্দের সমার্থক শব্দ -


নিত্য মূর্ধন্য-ণ বাচক শব্দ -


সমাবর্তন শব্দের কয়টি অক্ষর?


ব্রজবিলাস গ্রন্থের রচয়িতা-

বিদ্যাপতি///বড় চন্ডীদাস///@@ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগর///ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র গুপ্ত 

সাধনা পত্রিকার প্রথম সম্পাদক -

দ্বিজেন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর///সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর///রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর///সুধীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর///@@উত্তর নেই

কোনটি মুক্তিযুদ্ধভিত্তিক উপন্যাস?

প্রদোষে প্রাকৃতজন///চিলেকোঠার সেপাই///ওঙ্কার///@@জলঙ্গী

কুর্নিশ শব্দের উৎস ভাষা-


কোনটি যোগরূঢ় শব্দ?


'রাত্রে লুচিমুচি কিছু লাইনে, স্রেফ ভাত। ' - এ বাক্যে লুচিমুচি শব্দদ্বৈত কি ভাবে প্রকাশ করছে?


notification শব্দের বাংলা পরিভাষা


কোনটি আঞ্চলিক জীবনভিত্তিক উপন্যাস?

@@আরণ্যক///জাগরী///অভিশপ্ত নগরী///নদীবক্ষে

চর্যাপদের কোন কবি নিজেকে বাঙালি বলে পরিচয় দিয়েছেন?


হাসান হাফিজুর রহমান রচিত কাব্যগ্রন্থ-

বিদ্ধস্থ নীলিমা///@@ভবিতব্যের বাণিজ্যতরী///রাত্রিশেষ///চৈত্রের ভালোবাসা

আখতারুজ্জামান ইলিয়াস রচিত গ্রন্থ-

বিচিত চিন্তা///আত্মঘাতী রবীন্দ্রনাথ///@@সংস্কৃতির ভাঙা সেতু///কালজিজ্ঞাসা

স্নান > সিনান কোন ধরণের ধ্বনি পরিবর্তন প্রক্রিয়া -


সৌম্য শব্দের বিপরীত শব্দ -



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