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Bangladesh Bank Officer (Cash) Written Test Solution

26 Feb 2017

1. Focus Writing in English:   Write an essay on importance of bank in the daily life of a citizen.  
2. Focus writing in Bengali:পদ্মা সেতু বাংলাদেশের আর্থ সামাজিক উন্নয়নে কি ধরনের ভূমিকা রাখতে পারে তার উপর একটি রচনা লিখুন। 
3. Read the following passage and answer the questions:


Power and possession have been the central pursuits of modern civilization. For a longtime,they blocked out or distorted other features of the western Renaissance (revival), which promised so much for humanity. What people have been and are still being taught to prize are money, success, control over the lives of others, and the acquisition of more objects. Modern social, political and economic systems, whether capitalist, fascist or communist, reject the basic principle that the free and creative unfoldment of every man, woman and child is the true measure of the worth of any society. Such unfoldment requires understanding and imagination, integrity and compassion, cooperation among people, and harmony between the human species and the rest of Acquisitiveness and the pursuit of power have made the modern man an aggressor against everything that is non-human, an exploiter and oppressor of those who are poor, meek and unorganized, a pathological type that hates and distrusts the world, and suffers from both acute loneliness and false pride. 

The need for new renaissance is deeply felt by those sensitive and conscientious men and women who not only perceive the dimensions of the crisis of our age but who also realize that only through conscious and cooperative human effort may this crisis be met, and probably even Overcome.

i. According to the passage,why  has modern man turned out to be the enemy of everything that is non-human? 

ii. Which is one of the requirements for bringing out the best in man? 

iii. Why could not Western Renaissance make total impact on today's humanity?

 iv. Which best describes the behavior of the modern man? 

v. Which approach does the author advocating to be adopted by the society?

4.Write a letter to your friend describing your experience in the "Ekushey Bai Mela’. 


5. Mathematics: 

a) Shakil started a business investing Tk. 25,000 in 2009, In 2010, he invested an additional amount of Tk. 10,000 and Raihan joined him with an amount of Tk. 35,000. In 2011, Shakil invested another additional amount of Tk. 10,000 and Jafor joined them with an amount of Tk. 35,000. What will be Raihan’s share in the profit of Tk. 1,50,000 earned at the end of 3 years from the start of the business in 2009?

b) If 9 engines consume 24 metric tonnes of coal, when each is working 8 hours day, how much coal will be required for 8 engines, each running 13 hours a day, it being given that 3 engines of former type consume as much as 4 engines of latter type?

c) Dawood invested certain amount in three different schemes A, B and C with the rate of interest 10% p.a., 12% p.a. and 15% p.a. respectively. If the total interest accrued in one year was Rs. 3200 and the amount invested in Scheme C was 150% of the amount invested in Scheme A and 240% of the amount invested in Scheme B, what was the amount invested in Scheme B?

6. Translation: Bengali to English
মাতৃভাষা মানুষের সবচেয়ে প্রিয় এবং তা মনোভাব প্রকাশের জন্য সসবচেয়ে বেশী উপযোগী। অন্যকোন ভাষায় মনোভাব প্রকাশ করে পরিপূর্ণ আনন্দ পাওয়া যায় না।  পৃথিবীতে মনের ভাব প্রকাশের জন্য অসংখ্য ভাষা সৃষ্টি হয়েছে।  প্রত্যেক জাতির মাতৃভাষার নিজস্ব একটা বৈশিষ্ট্য আছে এবং মাতৃভাষার সাথে এমন একটি আত্মিক সম্পর্ক থাকে যে, সেই ভাষাই তার মনোভাব প্রকাশের সর্বোত্তম বাহন হিসেবে বিবেচিত হয়। বিদেশি ভাষা কষ্ট করে আয়ত্ব করা গেলেও তার মর্ম যথার্থ উপলদ্ধি করা যায় না এবং তাতে মনোভাব প্রকাশের যথেষ্ট অন্তরায় থাকে। তাই পৃথিবীর অসংখ্য ভাষার মধ্যে মাতৃভাষাই সবচেয়ে আপন  এবং মনোভাব প্রকাশের শ্রেষ্ঠ মাধ্যম ।বাঙ্গালিদের কাছে বাংলা  মনোভাব প্রকাশের শ্রেষ্ঠ মাধ্যম । কারন এটি বাঙ্গালির মাতৃভাষা। বাঙ্গালির রক্তে মাংসে মজ্জায় বাংলা ভাষা মিষে আছে। বাঙ্গালিরা পরভাষা চর্চা করে বটে,কিন্তু বাংলাতেই তার যত স্বাছন্দ্য।

7.translation: English to Bengal

Global initiatives  of  reviewing and strengthening of  Banking  sector risk  are progressing satisfactorily,but there are some unsettled key issues on which broad consessus  will be important in aaverting future episodes of global bank crisis. These include prevention of overgrowth of  banks and  financial institutions to “too big to fail” dimensions posing threat to stability: avoiding the need of publicly funded bank bailouts by forcing separation of retail banking essential for public life from investment banking focused on private gains; and debarring  banks and financial institutional from speculative position taking in commodity futures,which fuels  price volatility for gains at the expense  of consumers. 



****কোর্সটি সম্পূর্ণ অনলাইনভিত্তিক।
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