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Bangladesh Bank Officer (Cash) Written Test Solution

26 Feb 2017

1. Shakil started a business investing Tk. 25,000 in 2009, In 2010, he invested an additional amount of Tk. 10,000 and Raihan joined him with an amount of Tk. 35,000. In 2011, Shakil invested another additional amount of Tk. 10,000 and Jafor joined them with an amount of Tk. 35,000. What will be Raihan’s share in the profit of Tk. 1,50,000 earned at the end of 3 years from the start of the business in 2009?



Their investment In 3 years,

Shakil’s investment = Tk. (25,000×3 + 10,000×2 + 10,000×1) = Tk. 105000

Raihan’s investment = Tk.(35000×2) = Tk. 70000

Jafor’s investment = Tk.(35000×1) = Tk. 35000

The ratio of their investment is,

Shakil : Raihan : Jafor = 105000 : 70000 : 35000 = 3:2:1

Sum of the ratios = 3+2+1 =6

So, Raihan’s share = Tk. 150000×2/6 = Tk. 50000 



2. If 9 engines consume 24 metric tonnes of coal, when each is working 8 hours day, how much coal will be required for 8 engines, each running 13 hours a day, it being given that 3 engines of former type consume as much as 4 engines of latter type?


Given that

4 engines of latter type = 3 engines of former type

So 8 engines of latter type = (3/4)×8 = 6 engines


In 8 hours 9 engines consume 24 metric tones

In 13 hours 6 engines consume (24×13×6)/8×9 metric tones = 26 metric tones 


3. Dawood invested certain amount in three different schemes A, B and C with the rate of interest 10% p.a., 12% p.a. and 15% p.a. respectively. If the total interest accrued in one year was Rs. 3200 and the amount invested in Scheme C was 150% of the amount invested in Scheme A and 240% of the amount invested in Scheme B, what was the amount invested in Scheme B?



Let, the amount invested in Scheme B = Tk.100x

So, the amount invested in Scheme C = Tk.(100x X 240%) = Tk. 240x


The amount invested in Scheme C = 150% of the amount invested in Scheme A

Or, Tk. 240x = 150×A/100

Or, A = Tk. 24000/150 = Tk. 160x

So, the amount invested in Scheme A = Tk.160x


Interest from Scheme A = Tk. (160x×10%) = Tk.16x

Interest from Scheme B = Tk. (100x×12%) = Tk.12x

Interest from Scheme C = Tk. (240x×15%) = Tk.36x

According to the question,

16x +12x + 36x = 3200

Or, 64x = 3200

Or, x = 3200/64

Or, 100x =50×100

Or, 100x = 5000

So, the amount invested in Scheme B = Tk. 5000




কোর্সটি স্টাডিপ্রেসের স্পেশাল প্রোগ্রাম। এই কোর্সে অংশ নিতে হলে বর্তমান পেইড ইউজারদের নতুন করে পে করতে হবে।

৩৮তম বিসিএস প্রিলি কোর্স:

১। বিসিএস’র সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী দৈনিক ক্লাস।

২। নিয়মিত মডেল টেস্ট।

৩। প্রিলির পড়াতেই লিখিত পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি।

৪। মিসটেক ও রিভিউ লিস্ট।

৫। আগের বিসিএস পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন ও নির্ভুল সমাধান (হিন্টস সহ)।

৬। ২৪/৭ সাপোর্ট।

৭। নিয়মিত কারেন্ট অ্যাফেয়ার্স আপডেট।

৮। প্রতিদিন দশটি করে নতুন শব্দ (ইংরেজি)।

৯। ডেইল স্টার এডিটরিয়ালের অনুবাদ।

****কোর্সটি সম্পূর্ণ অনলাইনভিত্তিক।

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