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গত কয়েক মাসে বিভিন্ন নিয়োগ পরীক্ষায় আসা ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন (প্রায় ৩০০টি প্রশ্ন, উত্তরসহ)

19 Feb 2017

জনতা ব্যাংক এক্সিকিউটিভ অফিসার ইঞ্জিনিয়ার ২০১৭


Questions (01-03): Select the pair that best expenses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair:

# Pertinent: Relevance-

Ans: redundant: superfluity

# Conscious: Careless-

Ans: careful: indifferent

# Vindictive: Mercy-

Ans: skeptical- truthfulness

Questions (04-06): Choose the correctly spelled word from the given options

4. Ridiculous

5. Precinct

6. Remittance

Questions (07-10): Fill in the blank with right option

7. He is devoid ........... commonsense.

Ans: of

8. The price of the commodities ............during the fuel crisis but the producers incurred ............. in profits.

Ans: increased/ a downfall

9. Climate is a ................ of the environment.

Ans: state

10. Lack of exercise and high fat diets have ...... to be factors in heart attacks.

Ans: been long know

NSI AD ২০১৭


“ To do away with” means-
Ans: get rid of

2. He talked as if he _______ everything.

Ans: had known

3. Which one is correct?

You, he and I are

4.what type of noun is “kindness”?

Ans: abstract

5. which one is the correct spelling?

Ans: Cigarette

6.Greenhouse effects the cause of _____

Ans:Gradual rise of temperature


7. while he __________ along the road a snake bit him?

Ans: was walking

8. Nobel price is  considered the highest  honour ________can be achieved

in various field.


9.Emperor Akbar— was a son of Humayun .
Ans:a great leader

10.I cut myself, here “myself” is an-


Ans: Reflexive pronoun

11.Which one isп an example of comparative degree?

Ans: Less

12.It is you who ________ to blame

13.Which one is masculine gender?

Ans: Ox

14. Which one is the synonym of “competent”?


15.I wish if I ______ a cricketer.


16.shakespeare is known mostly for his _____

Ans:  Drama

বাপেক্স এসিসট্যান্ট অফিসার ২০১৭


# I will give you a map of the new town in case you .............  lost.

Ans: get

# Why....... angry with me yesterday?

Ans: were you

# This contrat will be confirmed ...................... December?

Ans: on

# ...................... is a good exercise.

Ans: Walking

# I shall look .... the matter.

Ans: into

# Our teacher makes us ................... very hard.

Ans: work

# We insist on ................... leaving the room.

Ans: your

# My situation was like out of the frying pan .... the fire.

Ans: into

# I would have lent you my notes if you .............. me.

Ans: had asked

# No sooner had we started out for Dhaka .................. it started to rain.

Ans: then

# Many scientists are still hoping ............... life on another planet.

Ans: to find

# If you don’t know what the word means, look it ............ ................ a dictionary.

Ans: up, in

# She is so afraid of the dark that she can’t sleep ................ there is a light on outside her room.

Ans: unless

39 to 45: Select the meaning of the English Word.

39. Humility

Ans: নম্রতা

40. Melancholy

Ans: বিষণ্ন

41. Immaculate

Ans: পবিত্র

42. Vengeance

Ans: প্রতিহিংসা

43. Placid

Ans: শান্ত

44. Diligent

Ans: পরিশ্রমী

45. Gallant

Ans: সাহসী

কৃষি ব্যাংক 'সিনিয়র অফিসার' ২০১৭


21. I’ve got _________ go ________ a job interview _____ Saturday next.

Ans: to, to, on

22. Is it more profitable to put my money in the bank or play the________?

Ans: market

23. Having been acquitted on all charge, he can now hold his head_________?

Ans: up

24. It is high time we ___________ ready or we may miss the train.

Ans: got
25. The Ambassador walked slowly________ the room ________ The queen.

Ans: along, behind

26. The idiomatic phrase ‘cash cow’ means:

Ans: a source of steady profit

27. The word ‘indigent’ is synonymous with the word

Ans: destitute

28. The word ‘acrimonious’ is the antonym of

Ans: hostile

29. Which of the following word is not correctly spelled?

Ans: extroversion
30. In the sentence “I already told him about the party”, ‘already’ is

Ans: an adverb

31. Which of the following is a feminine gender?

Ans: niece

32. The passive form of the sentence “I had already shown her photo to the policeman” should be:

Ans: The policeman had already been shown her photo

33. The indirect form of the sentence “She said, ‘It must be pretty late, I really must go’” should be:

Ans: She said she was very late and she had to go.

34. Choose the correct sentences:

Ans: Neither the workers nor their leader was present

35. Choose the correct sentences:

Ans: The clock struck 12

36. Choose the correct sentences:

Ans: The controversy is unlikely to die out.

37. Choose the correct sentences:

Ans: Soldiers were dispatched to put out the rebellion.

25. Laugh শব্দটির Noun হচ্ছে?


Ans: Laugh

26. Which one is plural?


Ans: Scissors

27. কোনটি Reflexive Pronoun?


Ans: Myself

28. ___ is it difficult ___dispose ___ waste?

Where, to, for
Where, for, such
Why, with, in
Why, to , of

Ans: d

29. Synonym for the word ‘vigour’ -


Ans: d

30. Antonym for the word ‘enormous’ -


Ans: C

31. The verb form of ‘necessity’ -


Ans: d

32. Antonym for ‘bankrupt’ -


Ans: d

33. He died ___ his country.


Ans: d

34. An ordinance is -

A book
A law
A newspaper
A manuscript

Ans: b

ইসলামী ব্যাংক: ফিল্ড অফিসার ২০১৬

35. Who is called a ‘poet of beauty’?

William Wordsworth
P. B.Shelley
John Keats

Ans: c

36. ‘Out of out’ means? -    

Not at all

Ans: c

37. ‘এবারের সংগ্রাম মুক্তির সংগ্রাম’ এর ইংরেজী -

Struggle this time is the struggle for liberation
This is liberation war.
This year’s fight is fight for liberation.
This year’s war is liberation war.

Ans: a

Asst. সাইফার অফিসার 2017

51. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence: He sacrificed his life for the country. He is a’an---

Ans: patriot

52.The synonym of ‘Inception’ is—

Ans: outset

53. ‘Get over’ means---

Ans: overcome

54. Choose the correct one:

Ans: Let Ruma and I go

55. In which sentence ‘that’ is used as a conjunction

Ans: He works hard that he may succeed.

56. The synonym of ‘mandatory’:

Ans: Obligatory

57. What is the meaning of the word ‘perturb’?

Ans: agitate

58. Who, which, what are-----

Ans: Relative Pronoun

59. The meaning of the word ‘coherent’ is---

Ans: Consistent

60. Choose the correct one:

Ans: He is not only intelligent but also creative

61. Find out the noun from the following:-

Ans: Wonder

62. What is the antonym of the word ‘Pale’?

Ans: Joyful

63. Who is the famous satirist in English Literature—

Ans: Jonathan Swift

64. What kind of noun is “man”?

Ans: Common

65. What is the meaning of ‘White Elephant’?

Ans: A very costly and troublesome possession

66. She was absent ________ her cold.

Ans: because of

67. Which one is adjective?

Ans: Eligible

68. The meaning of ‘yield’ is---------

Ans: Produce

69. We sat ______________ the teacher

Ans: beside

70. Fortune___________ the brave.

Ans: favours

71. Every one ________ Ruma wants milk in the tea.

Ans: except

72. Now a days many villages are lit ___________ electricity. Which is the correct prepositions in the above blank?

Ans: by

73. What is the meaning of the word ‘Flimsy’?

Ans: Failure

74. The word “discrimination” is closest to----

Ans: preferences

75.  “Pediatric”  is related to the treatment of ----

Ans: children

সোনালি ব্যাংক (IT) অফিসার 2016


Former Indian President and eminent missile technologist Mr. APJ Abul kalam said that sustainable economic growth and prosperity can help a country reduce the risk of terrorism - one of the most pressing problems now troubling different corners of the world. “People get involved in terrorism out of frustration and failure to meet their economic needs.” he said while on tour in Dhaka. Only a sustainable economic development of a country can put an end to terrorism,the scientist emphasized and thus offered an alternative cure at a time when the conducting a ruthless “ war on terrorism” Addressing an interactive programme with leading businessman,professionals and entrepreneurs ,Mr kalam insisted on finding out the root cause of terrorism and looking for proper remedial measures. “ The higher the economic growth the lower will be the incident of terrorism.” he told his audience.


# The most appropriate title of the passage is:

Ans: Economic prosperity can drive out terrorism.

#  According to the passage, People are involved in terrorism because of: Ans: Frustrating stemming from economic

# The theme of the passage is: A country should ensure sustainable economic development.

# According tothe passage There are both positive and negative relationship between terrorism and economic development.

 # _________ is it difficult ______ dispose ________ waste?

Ans: Why, to,of

# He has many awards and certificates under his ________

Ans: Credit

#  _________ the northern frontier of India is Himalayan range.

Ans: Beside

#  ____________ newspaper headlines are sometimes funny.

Ans: Inept

# What is the synonym for the word “JEOPARDY”

Ans: peril

# The Antonym for ”ENORMOUS” is :

Ans: Tiny

#  Find the misspelled word:

Ans: Liasion

# The phrase “Get the axe” means:

Ans: lose the job

# Which one is singular?

Ans: Hypothesis

# The best passive form of the sentence “ Most people saw him as a sort of clown”

Ans: They had seen him as a sort of clown

# The indirect form of the sentence “ He said,”Let me have some milk”

Ans: He prayed that he might have some milk.

Banladesh Bank Cash officer 2016

English Solution

On the results of the survey …. and the type of campaign we shall

Depend the extent

Neither the salesman nor the marketing manager …of the system

is in favour

The chief competition, as well as ourselves …..prices this summer.

is obliged to raise

The decoration of the new office block, including the furniture and curtains ………….

is most pleasing

Please vote for the member …. has done the most for our village.

Whom you believe

ANTONYM: Accertion




ANTONYM: Applaud




Antonym: Default


To the ends of the earth: till losing one’s patience

A fools paradise means:  A fool's paradise-A false hopes for a fool person 

To cry wolf : To give false alarm
A hard nut to crack : Problems that is very hard to be solved

Gift of the gab -Fluency of the speed

Fortuitous : Inherent : Gregarious :Introverted
Alleviate : Aggravate : Elastic : Rigid 
Desultory : Methodical : Dissipated : Concentrated 
Exempted : obliged : Immune : Susceptible 
Opaque : Transparent : Concentrated : Dissipated 

গণপূর্ত অধিদপ্তর: অফিস সহকারী ২০১৬ (ইংরেজি) 

১. Do you know ____________ her name is?


২. An adjective is a

naming Word///substituting word///@@modifying word///qualifying word

৩. What is the translation of “ আমি তোমাকে খাওয়াই”

i eat you///i have eat you///I fed you///@@I feed you

৪.. The work is___________  by me

do ///@@ ́done///did /// doing

৫.. Physics ____________ a difficult subject


are///@@@ is///Will /// to be

৬.. Put the book _________ the table

above///@@on///in /// up

৭. His  opinion is  different _________  yours  (confusing, different to, different from and different than all three are used )

tо///from///with ///@@ than

৮. The poet and novelist _________ come.


have///@@has///were /// was

৯. I will carry an umbrella  in case

it will rain///it would rain///@@it rains///it rained

১০. “ May you be happy in life” what type of sentence?


১১. The boy Said, “ I shall go to school tommorrow”  Change this

to indirect speech

The boy said that he shall go to school the next day///@@The boy said that he

should go to school the next day///the boy said that he will   go to school tomorrow///the boy said that he would go to school tomorrow school

১২. | "I have a few friends. - which one is the correct negative form of this sentence

I can’t get any friend///I have not many friends///@@@ I do not have many friends///I have a lot of friends

১৩. Choose the correctly spelled word

Nomini///@@Nominee///Nominy /// Nomeen.

১৪. Which of the following statement is correct?

The patient died before the doctor had come B). The patient died before the doctor  came///the patient died after the doctor came///@@the patient died after the doctor had come

১৫. Choose the correctly spelled Word


সাধারণ বীমা: সহকারী ব্যবস্থাপক ২০১৬


16. The baby had ..... her teddy bear down in bed next to her before she fell asleep.

Ans: laid

17. All of a sudden the students went ... each other with sticks.

Ans: against

18. It is time that the Central Bank............. interest rates.

Ans: put down

19. It is a good idea to buy gold in an attempt to hedge ................ inflation.

Ans: against

20. Success in the aptitude test may be helpful for you to be taken  ....  as a Probationary Officer

Ans: in

21. Writing a beautiful sonnet is as much as an achievement as ... a 400 page novel.

Ans: finishing

22. By the time I had reached the bottom of the mountain, I ..... extremely tired.

Ans: felt

23. The expression ‘put out to pasture’ means:

Ans: to impose early retirement

24. The synonym of the word ‘BUYOUT’ is-

Ans: Takeover

25. The antonym of ‘EFFUSIVE’ is-

Ans: reserved

26. The indirect form of the sentence: He said, ‘I had an accident yesterday’, is

Ans: He said that he had an accident the day before

27. Find the misspelt word-

Ans: malfeassance

Choose the correct sentence (28-30)

28. You, I and he are to blame for the mess.

Ans: I, you and he are to blame for the mess.

29. Ans: When the car arrived, we had walked for the whole three hours.

30. Ans: The bank is over the City Centre.

সাধারণ বীমা কর্পোরেশন: জুনিয়র অফিসার ২০১৬ (ইংরেজি)

1.The best passive form of the sentence “The pill tastes bitter’ is:

a)The pill is bitter when it is tasted.

b)The pill was bitter when it was tasted.

c)The pill is bitter when it tastes.

d)The pill was bitter when it was tasted.

Ans: The pill is bitter when it is tasted.


2.One of the ...............of globalization is cultural ................

a)effect, shock

b) effect, confusion

c) affects, surprise

d) effects, assault

Ans: d) effects,assault


3.The man .................. down silently and ...his food.

a)sit, took

b)sat, take

c)sat, took

d)sat, had taken

Ans. c) sat,took


4.Identify the plural word:

a)      cactus

b)      diagnosis

c) foci

d) goose

Ans. c) foci (meaning: foci is the plural of focus)

5.The masculine gender of the word ‘spinster’ is-





Ans. c)bachelor


6.The indirect form of the sentence, “Farida said o her mother, “I Shall go to bed now”. is-

a)Farida told her mother that she should go to bed now.

b)Farida told her mother that she will go to bed then.

c)Farida told her mother that she would go to bed then.

d)Farida told her mother that she will go to bed now.

Ans. c)  Farida told her mother that she would go to bed then.


Choose the correct sentence (Question 7-9)


7.  a)@@He agreed to my proposal.

      b) He agreed at my proposal.

      c) He agreed for my proposal.

      d) He agreed with my proposal.


 8. a) I don’t like to discuss about politics.

      b) I don’t like discussing about politics.

      c) I like not to discussing politics.

      d) @@I don’t like to discuss politics.


9.  a)@@ One of the boys is meeting me today.

      b) One of the boy is meeting me today.

     c)  One of the boys are meeting me today.

      d) One of the boy’s is meeting me today.


10. In the sentence ‘Cycling is certainly healthier than driving’, the word certainly is a/an:

a) adjective

b)@@ adverb

c) interjection

d) preposition


11. The phrase ‘Down to earth’ means:

a) Close to nature

b) Soft hearted

c) Thrown to the ground

d)@@ Realistic


12. What is the Synonym for the  word ‘FIDELTY’?

a) Injurious

b) Repent

c) Praise

d)@@ Loyalty


13. The Antonym for ‘INGENIOUS’ is:

a) Crafty

b) Inane

c) Incompetent

d) @@Skillful


14. Find the misspell word:

a) @@Commitee

b) Enthusiasm

c) Extroversion

d) Recession


15. REPTILE is to LIZARD as FLOWER is to




৩৭তম বিসিএস


English Part--35


1. choose the appropriate prepositions in the blank of the following sentence:

The family doesn’t feel __________ going outing this season.

Ans: like

2. Fill in the blank with appropriate use of tense:

I couldn’t mend the computer myself, so I _________ at a shop.

Ans: had it mended

3. who wrote “Biographia Literaria”

Ans: S.T.Coleridge

4. Othello gave Desdemona _______ as a token of love:

Ans: Handkerchief

5. Choose the correct sentence:

Ans: all of it depends on you

6. A chart was appended to the report. here appended means –

Ans: joined

7. The mother sat vigilantly beside the sick baby. here vigilantly is:

Ans: an adverb

8. Fraility the name is women. Here Fraility is:

Ans: Noun

9. Which of the following words is in singular form?

Ans: radius

10. “A rolling stone gathers no moss” The complex form of the sentence is:

Ans: A stone that rolls gathers no moss

11. The new offer of job was alluring. Here Alluring means –

Ans: tempting

12. “Who planted this tree here?” The correct passive voice of this sentence is

Ans: By whom was the tree planted here?

13. Education is enlightening. Here enlightening is:

Ans: A gerund

14. Use the appropriate article –

I saw ______________ one eyed man when I was walking on the road.

Ans: a

15. the word ‘omnivorous’ means:

Ans: eating all types of food

16. complete the following sentence choosing the appropriate option:

it’s raining cats and dogs, so –

Ans: make sure you take an umbrella

17. the phrase “Achilles’ heel” means:

Ans: a weak point

18. he worked with all sincerity. the underlined phrase “with all sincerity” is:

Ans: an adverbial phrase

19. this is the book I lost. here “I lost” is:

Ans: an adjective clause

20. which do you think is the nearest in meaning to “proviso”:

Ans: stipulation

21. Cassandra is a night owl, so she doesn’t usually get up until about:

Ans: 11 a.m

22. Select the word that is the most closely opposite in meaning to the capitalized word: DELETERIOUS

Ans: harmless

23. Gerontion is a poem by –

Ans: T.S. Eliot

24. Fill in the blank. ‘___________’ is Shakespeare’s last play.

Ans: Tempest

25. who has written the poem “Elegy Written in a country Churchyard”?

Ans: Thomas Gray

26. Who has written the play Volpone?

Ans: Ben Jonson

27. Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what sort of verse?

Ans: Iambic pentameter

28. The repetition of beginning consonant sound is known as:

Ans: alliteration

29. which of the following is not a poetic tradition?

Ans: The Comic

30. What is a funny poem of five lines called?

Ans: Limerick

31. Robert Browning was a _________ poet. Fill in the gap with appropriate word.

Ans: Victorian

32. P.B. Shelley’s “Adonais’ is an elegy on the death of –

Ans: John Keats

33. The comparison of unlike things using the words like on as is known to be –

Ans: simile

34. “Restoration period’ in English literature refers to-

Ans: 1660

35. “The sun also rises” is a novel written by –

Ans: Earnest Hemingway

সাব-রেজিস্ট্রার নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা ২০১৬

51. Which of the following is correct?
Ans: He speaks neither English nor French

52. Fill in the blank with the correct choice: ­ ‘How much did you ­­­ the book?’
Ans: pay for

53. Another word for ‘prejudice’ is-
Ans: bigotry

54. A review of the patient’s eating habits showed that her diet was ­­­ in vitamin B.
Ans: lacking

55. The bus is the ­­­ expensive way to get around.
Ans: least

56. Which one is the subject in the sentence?
To defrost this fridge takes ages
Ans: to defrost this fridge

57.We must buy the tickets (next week). here next week is-
Ans: adverbial

58. The expression “He is all but ruined.” means­­
Ans: he is nearly ruined

59. The phrase “To embrace a habit” means-
Ans: to eagerly engage in it

60. Kim was written by­
Ans: Kipling

61. Which of the following is not true about Shakespeare?
Ans: Novelist

62. An elegy is a ­
Ans: poem of lamentation

63. Which of the following is chronologically in order?
Ans: Shakespeare, Chaucer, Eliot, Donne

64. Ben Jonson introduced ­
Ans: Comedy of humours

65. A cliche is a ­
Ans: a worm out statement

66. What does ‘apartheid’ refer to?
Ans: discrimination

67. ‘Renaissance’ means the­
Ans: revival of learning

68. Fill in the blanks: ­
If he hadn’t been so tired, he___ ­­asleep so quickly.
Ans: wouldn’t have fallen

69. What is the antonym of ‘Apex’?
Ans: base

70. The word ‘ecological‘ is related to­­
Ans: environment

71. Which spelling is correct?
Ans: lying

72. Handy is the synonym of ­
Ans: useful

73. Choose the right preposition: ­­
‘We shall refrain ­­­­­­­­­ doing it.’
Ans: from

74. Fill in the blank with the right word:­
­­­­­­­­­­­­­ ___now follows is a party political broadcast.

Ans: What

৭৫. Which of the following is correct?
Ans: Sophieles’s tragedies are famous


51. “Heard melodies are sweet but those unheard are sweeter” is taken from –
john Keats

52.The passive form of sentence “ we made her recite a poem”
she was made to recite a poem

53.Which One is incorrect?
it is a quarter of eleven///it is a quarter past eleen
54.The man along with his neighbors __________working for the welfare of the people
55.The antonym of the word “theoretical” is-

56.Which of the following phrases means “to tolerate” ?
Put up with

57.____________________________,he would have succeeded.
had  he studied regularly

58.What is the suitable word for “ A hater of Mankind”?

59.Times have changed and so ____________
have I

60.Everybody likes flower,_____________?
doesn’t he

61. It _____________ a hot day, we remained in the tent.
62. Opening the file, the detective  took out a newspaper cutting. He “opening” is a/an
63.____________________ surprised me.
What you said

64.The sinner will suffer__________________
In the long run

65.Death is preferable _____________ humiliation

66.A person who  writes about his own life writes __________________
an autobiography

67.English _____________ across the world.
is spoken
68.My  wife reminds me ______________
Of my appointment

joy: sorrow
70.What is the objective of “Obey”?
71.Check the beast_____________ you.
72.The bag is too heavy __________________ to carry
For him
73.It was long since_____________
we last met
74.Uneasy lies the head_____________________
that wears a crown
75.He came here with a view to_____________
giving us a surprise


76. fill in the blank: She is fond of ______ to music.


77. choose the direct speech of the sentence: She told me to stand up.

She said, “Do stand up.” ///she said to me, “stand up.” ///she told, “Stand up.” ///she said me, “Stand up.”

78. Which is the correct sentence?

This is a true///this is true fact///this is fact///this is a fact

79. the antonym of the word, ‘baddy’?


80. class : student –

Team : player

81. ‘vice versa’ refer to –

the terms being exchanged

82. fill in the blanks: she aspires ____ a scientific career.


83. ‘procession’ is a _____ term.


84. choose the correct sentence.

though he is strong, he is lazy

85. “when wisdom brings no profit

To be wise is to suffer,” is taken from –

king Oedipus

86. ‘RAM’ means –

Random access memory

87. fill in the blanks : Turjo _____ the tree with an axe.

Cut down

88. He advised me _______  smoking.

to give up

89. five miles ________ a long distance.


90. ‘hamlet’ is written by –

William Shakespear

91. I wish –

I were a magician

92. ‘Quorum’ fits best with the meaning.

Required number

93. what is the adjective of the word ‘tax’?


94. ‘whom did she accuse?’ choose the right passive voice.

Who was accused by her?

95. which one is correct?

here he comes

96. The latin expression ‘i.e’ stands for –

Id est

97. Come on, it’s time to go home. Here ‘home’ is a/an –


98. ‘A mental illness in which somebody has a strong desire, which they cannot control to steal things’ is expressed by –


99. It’s time you _______ your mistakes.


100. ‘out and out’ means -
whole heartedly

EXIM Bank Trainee Officer 2016

Choose the answer that gives the clearest, most exact sentences but do not change the meaning of the original sentence.

1. Being a pleasant morning, he went out for a walk along the seashore.

Ans: it being a pleasant morning

2.  his speech was optimistic, but at the end of it he stroke a note of caution.

Ans: struck a note of caution

3. please give him medicines if his temperature will rise.

Ans: if his temperature rises

4. men have been known how important the sun is to them.

Ans: men have long known

5. the pedestrians must have to be very cautious while crossing the road.

Ans: are required to be

#Pick out the most effective word from the given to make the sentence meaningful.

6. banks need to take into _________ various behavioral and motivational attributes of potential consumers for a financial inclusion strategy to succeed.

Ans: account

7. the rate _______ by the Bangladesh bank to aid this process of liquidity injection is termed as the repo rate.

Ans: stimulated

8. a company must never allow the ____ of high dividend to be funded by borrowing money and worsening its debt-equity ratio.

Ans: distribution

9. accountability is always __________.

Ans: upward

Hints: Authority and responsibility always goes downwards and accountability goes upwards. A subordinate remains accountable to the boss above him.

10. as air temperature rise, water becomes less _______ and separates from a nutrient-filled cold layer below.

Ans: dense

(In each of the questions there is a sentence of which some parts have been jumbled up. you are required to rearrange these parts, which are labeled P,Q,R and S, to produce the correct sentence. choose the proper sequence and mark in your answer sheet accordingly.)

11. it would

(P) appear from the statement

(Q)  about the policy of the management

(R) in dealing with the strike

(S) that he was quite in the dark


12. By this time

(P) at the railway station

(Q)  reported mass looking

(R) reports of violence were flooding in

(S) while police dispatches


13. the majestic mahogany table

(P) belongs to an old prince

(Q) which had one leg missing

(R) who is now impoverished

(S) but not without some pride


14. we have to

(P) as we see it 

(Q)  speak the truth

(R) there is falsehood and darkness

(S) even if all around us


15. there was

(P)  needed for its everyday life

(Q)  a time when each family

(R) for itself most of the things it

(S) actually produced


(Find the correctly spelt word:)

16. Find the correctly spelt word.


17. Find the correctly spelt word.


18. Find the correctly spelt word.


19. Find the correctly spelt word.


20. Find the correctly spelt word.



21. school : Tuition ::

Ans: church:tithe

22. multiplication: division ::

Ans: increase:decrease

23. actor: soliloquy ::

Ans: musician:solo

24. plaintiff:defendant ::

Ans: injured:accused

25. ernest:immoral ::

Ans: restrained:wanton

13th NTRCA School Level Questions and Solutions


1. Education for all people ___ a mammoth task.

Ans: is

2. Man has no escape ___ death.

Ans: from 

3. Today the world is passing through____ Juncture

Ans: critical

4. The old man can not help __ a cup of tea.

Ans: having

5. There is ____ milk in the bottle.

Ans: very little

6. কলমটি তার-

Ans: He is the owner of the pen.

7. বিনয় মহত্বের ভূষন।

Ans: Modesty is embellishment of greatness

8. কেটলিতে পানি টগবগ করছে।

Ans: The water is simmering in the kettle.

9. ট্রেনটি ঢাকা যাবে।

Ans: The train is bound for Dhaka.

10. The shirt is ___.

Ans: after my taste

11. What is the meaning of 'prior to' ___?

Ans: before

12. The suffering  of the poor man ___.

Ans: beggars description

13. I wish I had seen you before. (Exclamatory)

Had I seen you before!

14. Beside going to the book fair, I bought a number of books. (compound)

Ans: I went to the book fair and and bought a number of books.

15.Do you find your payment too little? (passive)

Ans: Is your payment found too little to you? 

16. There is little milk in the glass. (Interrogative)

Ans: Is there any milk in the glass?

17. I know him better than you.(positive)

Ans: You do not know him as well I know him

18. I am sure he (pass) the examination.

Ans: will pass

19. Walk carefully lest___.

Ans: you should stumble

20. People (talk) his courage even after his death.

Ans: talk of

21. Three-fourth of the work __ finished.

Ans: has been

22. We felt very tired. The word 'tired' used in the sentence is ___.

Ans: Adjective

23. The verb of the word 'beautiful' is-

Ans: beautify

24. The synonym of the word 'huge' is-

Ans: colossal

25. The Antonym of the word 'unique' is- 

Ans: Common

১৩ তম শিক্ষক নিবন্ধন পরীক্ষা (কলেজ)

​76. What is the phural of ‘Magus’?

Ans:  Magi

77. What is the verb form of ‘Power’?

Ans: Empower

78. Find out the correct sentence-

He insisted on my going to cinema///He insisted me to go to cinema///He insisted in my going to cinema///He insisted for my going to cinema

Ans: He insisted on my going to cinema

79. Which one is the correct passive form of the sentence ___’ He satisfied everybody.’?

Ans: Everybody was satisfied with him

80. What is the synonym of the word “Repress”?

Ans: Control

81. He talks as though-

Ans: he were a child.

82. What is the antonym of the word ‘Compulsory’?

Ans: Voluntary

83. What is the noun of the word ‘Confess’?

Ans: Confession

84. ‘সকাল থেকে গুঁড়ি গুঁড়ি বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে’ – the correct translation of this sentence is—

Ans: It has been raining since morning (appropriate is: drizzling)

85. ‘Black and blue’ means-

Ans: mercilessly

86. ‘He acted on my advice’ – complex form of this sentence is __

Ans: He acted as I advised him .

87. The word ‘Lunar’ is related to ----

Ans: Moon

88. ‘Maiden speech’ means-

Ans: The first speech

89. The girl was reclining ___ the couch.

Ans: on

90. Choose the correct sentence:

If he works hard, he succeeds.///If he works hard, he will succeed. /// If he would work hard, he will succeeded. ///If he worked hard, he succeeded.

Ans: If he works hard, he will succeed.

91. He went to bed after ___

Ans: he had learnt his lessons.

92. ‘A bolt from the blue’ means-

Ans: An unexpected calamity

93. The antonym of the word “Benign” is-

Ans: Malignant

94. ‘তাকে তিরস্কার করা হয়েছিল’ এর শুদ্ধ ইংরেজি কি?

Ans: He was dishonored 

95. We helped him ___ the work.

Ans: finish

96. He fought ____ to defeat the enemy.

Ans: Tooth and nail

97. Had I been a king, I __

Ans: would have helped the poor.

98. Choose the correct synonym for ‘Extempore’

Ans: Impromptu

99. When you make a promise, you must not go ___ on it.

Ans: back

100. What type of man is quite the opposite type of ‘Supercilious’?

Ans: Affable

ATEO 2016 Question and Solution

26. Apartheid refer to - discrimination

27. Manifestation’ means presentation

28. Cardiologist will be –Heart specialist

29. Correct Sentence? He has zest for music

30. steering of a car used for directing

31. adjective form ‘cartoon’ – cartoon boy

32. article I see you are _____ Wordsworth(a)

33.Spellig : tsunami

34. He takes pride _____ his wealth. (in)

35.verb and noun: waste

36'vivid’ –adjective

37. “Arms and the Man” - George Bernard Shaw

38. Robert Frost –USA

 39. Public Universities are funded by –Government

40. If you had informed me before, I ___ you. (would have met)

41. the new rule is advantageous ____ us. (for)

42.To look quickly through a book is an important study skill. (@@skim)

43. correct sentence - either they or I am wrong

44. the witness cut a poor _____ in this cross examination. (figure)

45. she did not buy it _____ the price was so high. (because)

46. the word ‘mandatory’ means – obligatory

 47. ‘I caught sight of her’ means –he saw her

48. BSTI -  Bangladesh Standard Testing Institute

49. ‘pesticide’–insecticide

50. Antonym ‘ignorance’? Knowledge



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