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Dhaka Bank Trainee Officer (cash) 2016: Math

07 Dec 2016

# On dividing a number by 5, we get 3 as  remainder. What will be the remainder when the square of this number is divided by 5 ?


# A water filter can be filled with 8 jugs of capacity containing 1.3  liters each.  How many Jugs are required to fill the same filter, If capacity of the jug is 0.8 liters?


#Two numbers A and B are such that the sum of 5% of A and 4% of B   is two-third  of  the sum of 6% of A and 8% of B. What is the ratio of A and B?


4_________7________8__________4 = 26

@@X,-, ÷///+,-,X///X,+,-///+,÷,X///none

# 1/4 of Ram's money is equal to 1/6 of Shyam's money. If both together have Tk. 600, the difference between their amount is


#. If one-third of one-fourth of a number is 15, then three-tenth of that number is


# A can do a work in 15 days and B in 20 days. If they  work  on it together for 4 days, then the action of the work that is left is


# Streets  w, x and Z are straight and level, and they intersect to form a triangle. If W and X intersect at 45° angle and if Z is perpendicular to X, at what acute angle do W and Z. intersect?


# The ratio of salaries of A, B and C is 1:2:3. The salaries of B and C together are Tk. 6,000. By what percentage is the salary of C more than that of A.


# Kamal went to a shop and bought things worth Tk  25.  Out of which 30 paisa went on sales tax on taxable purchases. If the tax rate was 6%, then what was the cost of the tax free items ?


# If x and y are positive integers, each greater than 1, and if 13 (x-1) =17 (y-1),  what is the least possible value of (x+y)?


# The average of a  set of 12 numbers,which  includes 34,is A. If 34  is removed from the set and 36  is included to the set. What is the average of the new set of numbers in terms of A?


# Bony takes 2 hours to wash 500 dishes, and Farah takes 3 hours to wash 450 dishes. How long will they take working together to wash 1000 dishes?

1 hour///2 hours///@@2.5 hours///3 hours///None

# The product  of two consecutive negative even integers is 24. What is the larger number?

@@- 4///-6///4///6 None

# A  ferry can carry 24 buses or 36 cars at a time. If there are 18 buses on the ferry,how many cars can be loaded onto it?


# The average of a and b is 45.  And the average of b and c is35, then (a - c) = ?


# If n is even, which of the following cannot be odd?


# The total age of A,B and C is 90 Years.Ten years ago the ratio of their ages was1:2:3. What is the present age of B?


উত্তর জানতে লগইন করুন তে



কোর্সটি স্টাডিপ্রেসের স্পেশাল প্রোগ্রাম। এই কোর্সে অংশ নিতে হলে বর্তমান পেইড ইউজারদের নতুন করে পে করতে হবে।

৩৮তম বিসিএস প্রিলি কোর্স:

১। বিসিএস’র সিলেবাস অনুযায়ী দৈনিক ক্লাস।

২। নিয়মিত মডেল টেস্ট।

৩। প্রিলির পড়াতেই লিখিত পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি।

৪। মিসটেক ও রিভিউ লিস্ট।

৫। আগের বিসিএস পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন ও নির্ভুল সমাধান (হিন্টস সহ)।

৬। ২৪/৭ সাপোর্ট।

৭। নিয়মিত কারেন্ট অ্যাফেয়ার্স আপডেট।

৮। প্রতিদিন দশটি করে নতুন শব্দ (ইংরেজি)।

৯। ডেইল স্টার এডিটরিয়ালের অনুবাদ।

১০। প্রতিদিন বাংলা থেকে (সম্পাদকীয়) ইংরেজি অনুবাদ।


****কোর্সটি সম্পূর্ণ অনলাইনভিত্তিক।

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