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ব্যাংক এশিয়া ট্রেইনি অফিসার নিয়োগ পরীক্ষা ২০১৬: প্রশ্ন ও সমাধান (ইংরেজি)

28 Oct 2016

1.The line at which the earth or sea and sky seen to meet-

Horizon b) Zenith c) Fringe d) Plinth

Ans: Horizon      

2) A person who is indifferent to both pleasure and pain-

a) Saint b) Ascetic c) Stoic d) Hermit

Ans: Stoic

3. A person who has no money to pay off his debts-

a) Debtor b) Pauper c) Beggar d) Insolvent

Ans: Insolvent

4) The study of ancient societies-

a) History b) Anthropology c) Ethnology d) Archeology

Ans: Archeology


5. A person pretending to be somebody he is not-

a) Imposter b) Liar c) Rogue d) Magician

Ans: Imposter


6. ...for elementary grade students to sit still for extended periods of time.

a) Why it is difficult b) that it is difficult c) It is difficult d) Difficulty

Ans: It is difficult


7. If everybody liked the same kind of tea,........only one kind of tea.

a) that b) it would c) there would be d) would be

Ans: There would be


8. Because their instructors are highly trained professionals,....many efforts at innovative teaching within community colleges.

a) there b) there are c) that there are d) and are

Ans: there are

9. A good college history text book includes .... about history.

a) every student knowing b) should every student know c) in that every student should know d) what every student should know

Ans: what every student should know

10. Before paper was invented, people wrote on .....could lay their hands on: silk, palm, leaves or clay tablets.

a) which they b) what c) whatever d) whatever they

Ans: whatever they could

11-15) Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word given.

11. Overt

a) Deep b) Shallow c) Secret d) Unwritten

Ans: Secret

12. Violent

a) Tame b) Humble c) Gentle d) Harmless

Ans: Gentle

13. Pride

a) Humility b) Shame c) Humbleness d) Debasement

Ans: Humility

14. Haughty

a) Pitiable b) Scared c) Humble d) Cowardly

Ans: Humble

15. Moist

a) Parched b) Dry c) Hard d) Crisp   

Ans: Dry

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